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Are Redbone Coonhounds Aggressive? Breed Temperament Guide]

If you are considering getting a Redbone Coonhound as your next family dog, naturally, you will want to know if they are aggressive. Besides, these are huge dogs! Are they good around children, other people, and other animals? Let’s find out!

So, are Redbone Coonhounds aggressive? Redbone Coonhounds are generally not an aggressive breed. On the contrary, Redbones are known for being docile and friendly. As with any dog breed, aggressive behavior can happen if these dogs haven’t been properly socialized as young puppies or if they are frightened or ill. Usually, though, Redbone Coonhounds are known for being laidback or even aloof with strangers rather than aggressive.

If you were to look at temperament alone, this breed ticks all of the boxes as we shall soon see in the next few sections.

There are other things to consider too, though such as their size and exercise needs.

This is not your typical lap dog, and you will need to commit a lot of time to exercise them.

Nevertheless, let us now explore the breed’s general temperament in a lot of further detail before turning to whether they make suitable family companions, the most likely causes of aggression, and how to prevent aggressive displays should you commit to getting one.

What Is The Typical Redbone Coonhound Temperament?

Redbone Coonhounds are typically affectionate, sensitive, and playful in temperament. They naturally possess a lot of energy and are highly intelligent too!

There are other traits this breed possesses too.

So here’s all that you’ll want to understand about the typical Redbone Coonhound temperament.

Family First

These dogs put family first: they become very attached to their owners and other loved ones.

Your dog will want to spend time with you, so be prepared to devote affection and daily play (such as agility training) to keep your dog happy.

Redbones can get along with everyone in the family, including the family cat (as long as the cat doesn’t chase him!)

An Even Temper

Redbone Coonhounds tend to be even-tempered pets.

If you find that you’re struggling to stick to the same daily routine, your Redbone won’t bat an eye.

He knows how to go with the flow!

He will tend to be more high-energy outside, especially when he picks up a scent to follow.

Indoors, Redbones will be quieter: they still need daily romps outdoors, though.

Lots Of Energy

Redbones have a lot of energy, and they need daily exercise.

Take him out with you for long walks, hikes up steep hills, even a fast swim.

If you have an active lifestyle, a Redbone Coonhound may be the perfect companion for you.

Given that these are hunting dogs, they have a lot of stamina. Your Redbone can hunt all day, if necessary, and he’ll do whatever it takes to catch his prey.

These dogs are also very good at ‘treeing’ their prey – some animals will run up a tree to escape.

Redbones have caught (and helped to catch) smaller animals such as possums or raccoons and big animals.

Your dog can even catch a cougar, a bobcat, or a bear!

He’ll let you know when he’s had enough by plopping down at your feet for a nap.


Although Redbones are traditionally hunting dogs, they are very friendly.

Redbone Coonhounds enjoy making friends with animals as well as people.

They can get very excited when other dogs come around to play!

Your dog will enjoy a good hunt just as much as a romp in a dog park with other doggie friends.

Naturally Curious

Even though Redbones love company, they can enjoy limited amounts of time alone.

However, don’t leave your Redbone alone for too long, or he will become bored and then get up to mischief.

These dogs are naturally curious, so if they don’t have anything to do, they may try to find something themselves.

You may not like their choice, so do keep them busy!


Redbones do have a bit of an independent streak, which can make training a challenge for first-time dog owners.

Because these dogs are used to finding ways to outsmart prey, they will want to think about how to outsmart you, too!

Fortunately, though, Redbone Coonhounds make up for their independent streak with their sense of humor.

 They love playing tricks with their families and can be quite funny, making you laugh and then coming in for a cuddle.

Are Redbone Coonhounds Protective?

Your Redbone Coonhound will be very loving and, therefore, protective of you and their families (which may include children). Redbones tend to be fairly tolerant of inexperienced children who might pull or pinch a dog but be sure never to leave dogs and children alone together.

Redbones are one of the least aggressive dog breeds, but you will still need to teach your children how to treat their dog gently.

Redbone Coonhounds make very good watchdogs because they are highly attentive to their surroundings.

They will react quickly if they detect anything unusual, barking to warn the family if a stranger approaches or they sense anything else that’s outside the norm.

Is A Redbone Coonhound a Good Family Dog?

A Redbone Coonhound is an excellent family dog because he will be loving and affectionate without jumping on you. You won’t need to worry with small children around, as these dogs are easygoing and gentle with young humans as well as other pets.

However, Redbones do have lots of energy, and they can get very excited around small children when they run.

His high-energy play might be too much for younger children.

For example, a small child might get knocked over if your dog gets the “zoomies” and starts racing around the house.

Even though it’s highly entertaining to watch, young ones need to be careful.

If you have large pets like cats, your Redbone should get along well with them.

If, however, you have smaller pets like reptiles or gerbils, a Redbone probably isn’t a good idea.

These dogs are natural hunters, and they may not be able to resist the temptation of small, scurrying animals who are right under their noses.

What Can Make Redbone Coonhounds Aggressive?

Although this breed is not known to be aggressive, a few things can make an individual Redbone display aggressive behavior.

Lack Of A Dominant Leader

Your Coonhound needs to know who is in charge, and if you haven’t shown him that it’s you, he’s likely to decide to fill this role himself.

A dog who thinks he’s in charge will be more difficult to train and will be less likely to listen to your commands.

If you haven’t taught your dog that you’re the alpha, he may be aggressive towards other dogs. You will want to correct this behavior (gently, see below) and let your dog know who’s in charge.

Teach your Redbone where he is in the pecking order. If you have children, your dog will need to know that they are ‘above’ him.

Your dog will then be not only affectionate but also protective of his young charges.

Not Enough Socialization

If your Coonhound puppy has not had enough exposure to new people, situations, and animals as a puppy, he may develop fear or anxiety.

Fear and anxiety can manifest as aggressive behavior such as nipping, biting, or growling.

Socialization includes spending time with the family, not only as a puppy but also as an adult.

Redbone Coonhounds don’t do well when left alone for too long – they can become anxious and then look for things to chew on to relieve tension.

Not Enough Exercise

Your Redbone Coonhound needs both physical and mental exercise every single day. If your dog doesn’t have enough to do, he will quickly get bored.

A bored dog can become destructive, digging holes in the yard, ripping up furnishings, or whatever other idea he gets into his head that sounds like fun to him!

Injury Or Illness

If your Redbone suddenly shows signs of aggressive behavior whereas he was previously a calm dog, he may be unwell.

Any sudden changes in temperament (including eating habits) may necessitate a trip to the vet to make sure that your dog isn’t suffering.

We can all be short-tempered when we’re not feeling well, and dogs are no different!

How To Prevent Aggression in Redbone Coonhounds

There are several simple ways to prevent aggression in Redbone Coonhounds.

Train Them Properly

Redbone Coonhounds do well with firm and consistent training, delivered by someone who knows what they are doing.

Use positive training methods with these dogs, giving them treats and vocal praise as rewards.

Don’t be harsh with them, as you can frighten them, and then that fear can lead to aggressive behavior.

These dogs are very smart and can be trained well, as they are quick thinkers.

Get your Redbone involved in agility training so that he can exercise his mind as well as his body.

This breed is extremely agile and fast, and they want to use those skills every day.

Adopt An Adult Redbone

If you’re looking to adopt a dog, you may want to consider giving an adult Redbone Coonhound a loving home.

Adopting a dog as an adult means you may be able to get an idea of his previous behavior or temperament before bringing him home.

You can find adult Redbone Coonhounds from your local dog rescue shelter. Some online organizations have breed-specific searches for adopting animals.

Provide Enough Exercise For Your Redbone Coonhound

Redbones are highly intelligent and agile dogs who need lots of physical and mental stimulation to be happy.

Give your dog lots of exercises each day to help him burn off his excess energy – your children will probably be happy to participate!

Take your dog hunting – you don’t have to look for animals to catch. You can train your dog to use his nose to find all kinds of things, including family members.

Tracking stimulates your Redbone’s mind and body: hunting is in his blood, after all.


By and large, Redbone Coonhounds are not an aggressive breed.

But as with any dog or animal for that matter, there are circumstances and contexts where it is more likely or may develop.

But so long as you care for and raise your dog properly and appropriately, with sufficient training and socialization from a young age, aggression should be the least of your worries with this high-energy breed.