Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cheese? [What About Other Dairy?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cheese? [What About Other Dairy?]

If you own a bearded dragon, then you may be wondering whether you can offer them cheese. It makes sense considering they have a high requirement for calcium but can this food be safely fed? Here is what you should know. So, can bearded dragons eat cheese? Bearded dragons should …

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Do Bearded Dragons Absorb Water Through Their Skin?

Do Bearded Dragons Absorb Water Through Their Skin?

One of the most common things that people hear about bearded dragons is that they are able to absorb water out of their environment and take it in through their skin. This theory is quite interesting when you stop to think about it, but is it true? I decided to …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bread? [Is This Food Safe For Them?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bread? [Is This Food Safe For Them?]

Chances are, you’ve considered feeding your bearded dragon bread. But, is it even safe or healthy for them to eat it? This is what the research unanimously concluded. So, can bearded dragons eat bread? Bearded dragons should not eat bread, even in limited serving sizes or occasionally. Bread does not …

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Why Is My Bearded Dragon Twitching? [What Does This Mean?]

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Twitching? [What You Need To Know]

Seeing your bearded dragon twitching can be worrying and confusing – especially if it is the first time that you have seen it. You may have noticed specific body parts twitching or you may have even seen this response across your beardies entire body. Either way, what does this mean, …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass? [Is This A Safe Food Source?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grass? [Is This A Safe Food Source?]

If you own a pet bearded dragon, then naturally you will have questions about what they can and cannot eat. But what about grass? Whether you have a general curiosity, or if your beardie has attempted to eat some – either way it’s important to know for sure. Here is …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms [Are They Safe For Beardies?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Mealworms [Are They Safe For Beardies?]

Insects and grubs are commonly fed to bearded dragons by their owners. Being rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals; they usually make a great addition to the diet. But what about mealworms in particular? Are these safe to offer, are there any benefits in doing so or are there any …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers? [Is This Insect Safe?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grasshoppers? [Is This Insect Safe?]

Bearded dragons make wonderful pets; they are charming reptiles and taking good care of them is rewarding. Providing a suitable and healthy diet is key in the happiness and health of your pet beardie. Naturally, owners – or perspective owners – may have some questions about what bearded dragons can …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Broccoli? [Is This Vegetable Safe?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Broccoli? [Is This Vegetable Safe?]

Bearded Dragons are cool, tropical pets to own. Of course, you need to do your research on the proper care of your pet Bearded Dragon, with their own unique needs and requirements. Diet is especially important; you’ll need to know exactly what they should, like and are unable to eat. …

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How Often Do Bearded Dragons Poop? [Expectations & Considerations]

How Often Do Bearded Dragons Poop? [Expectations & Considerations]

If you decide to get a bearded dragon, it’s only natural to question their pooping habits and behaviors. Particularly if you are not sure what is normal for these reptiles. Besides, pooping frequency and quality can offer clear insight into your reptile’s health. And let’s be honest, it will also …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lettuce [What Owners Must Know]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Lettuce? [What Owners Must Know]

If you own a bearded dragon, then naturally you are going to have some questions about suitable foods to offer them. But what about lettuce? Is this a healthy food to provide and are there any benefits of including it in your beardies diet? I decided to do some research …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower? [What Owners Should Know]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cauliflower? [What Owners Should Know]

A Bearded dragons diet should consist of a variety of insects and vegetables, along with smaller servings of fruit and flowers. But what about cauliflower? Where does this fit in? Is it safe, or even beneficial to feed to your beardie? Requiring such information, I decided to do some research; …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples? [Considerations For Owners]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples? [Considerations For Owners]

Owning a bearded dragon is rewarding and taking care of their every need is vitally important to their health and well-being. For your beardie to be as healthy and happy as possible, diet is a key factor. Just like humans, your bearded dragon needs a variety of vitamins and nutrients …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach? [Is It Safe & Healthy?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach? [Is It Safe & Healthy?]

One of your primary considerations as a bearded dragon owner is what you can and cannot feed them. But what about spinach? Is this green leafy vegetable safe and even healthy for a bearded dragon and should you be looking to offer it? If so how much? With these questions …

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Do Bearded Dragons Get Lonely? [A Care Guide For Owners]

Do Bearded Dragons Get Lonely? [A Care Guide For Owners]

If you have a pet bearded dragon, then naturally you are going to want to know how much attention that you will need to give them. Do they get lonely and are there any behaviors they may exhibit that will show they are in need of some care. Intrigued, I …

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Can Bearded Dragons Recognize Their Owners? [& Their Name?]

Can Bearded Dragons Recognize Their Owners? [& Their Name?]

Bearded Dragons are hugely rewarding pets in many different ways. As an owner, you put so much love and attention into their care that it would be nice to know if they appreciated your efforts and associated you with looking after them. Intrigued, I decided to do some research. I …

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Can Bearded Dragons Swim? [Everything You Need To Know]

Can Bearded Dragons Swim? [Everything You Need To Know]

Whether or not bearded dragons can swim is a curiosity for many. For relatively large lizards that live in hot, sparse environments in the wild, naturally, you would think that they are unable to, or be completely ineffective swimmers. They sporadically drink water, so it would make sense for them …

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Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth? [The Interesting Answer]

Do Bearded Dragons Have Teeth? [The Interesting Answer]

Bearded dragons are quite the interesting reptile that are very distinctive and in many ways. It recently occurred to me that I didnt know whether they have teeth or not and what this could mean for an owner. I decided to conduct some research into the topic to understand further. …

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What Can Bearded Dragons Eat? [Ultimate Feeding Guide]

What Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Knowing how to feed your bearded dragon is crucial for their optimal health and well-being. If you are a new beardie owner or a prospective one, it can be a challenge to know what is a good option, and what one is not. Today, I’m going to be uncovering what …

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16 Of The Best Bearded Dragon Gifts You Can Buy

Best Bearded Dragon Gifts

Are you looking to get a gift for a bearded dragon owner or lover? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Today, I am going to be sharing with you some of the best options that will be sure to go down well. Bearded Dragon Carrier What would be better …

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How To Stop Bearded Dragons From Seeing Reflection?

How To Stop Bearded Dragons From Seeing Reflection?

Glass terrariums are a great option for your bearded dragon, but sometimes they can see their reflection and mistake it for a challenging dragon. You can see them stressing themselves but what do you do to help your reptile and prevent the reflection? Here are your options. So, how do …

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How To Keep A Bearded Dragon Warm Without A Heat Lamp?

How To Keep A Bearded Dragon Warm Without A Heat Lamp

As a bearded dragon owner, you know how important it is to keep your reptile warm. After all, they are cold-blooded and native to desert climates. Something that may have crossed your mind from time to time is what would happen if you didn’t have their heat lamp. Maybe you’ve …

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Why Is My Bearded Dragon Scratching At The Glass?

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Scratching At The Glass?

You’ve likely noticed – your Bearded Dragon has a lot of interesting and unique behaviors. But what does it mean when they scratch at the glass, specifically? Is it something to be concerned with and how is it best to respond? Here is all you need to know. So, why …

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What To Do With A Dead Bearded Dragon? [All Of Your Options]

What To Do With A Dead Bearded Dragon? [All Your Options]

Bearded dragons make wonderful pets, but sadly they don’t tend to live as long as we’d like. When your beardie has died, what do you do? What options have you got for disposing of their body? Here are all of your potential options, what you need to know, and some …

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How Long Can You Leave A Bearded Dragon Alone? [Realistically]

How Long Can You Leave A Bearded Dragon Alone? [Realistically]

Although you may enjoy spending time with your beardie each day, there may be times when you will have them alone. Besides, we all have our commitments and responsibilities in life. But how long can you leave a bearded dragon alone safely? And should you leave them alone, or is …

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How Do Bearded Dragons Mate? [Breeding Process Explained]

How Do Bearded Dragons Mate? [The Breeding Process Explained]

Bearded dragons are very different from more traditional pets like cats and dogs in many ways, not least in how they breed. While most people are familiar with mammalian breeding, how reptiles mate may seem very foreign to many. At least it was for me; until I spent some time …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggplant? [Is This Fruit Safe?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Eggplant? [Is This Fruit Safe?]

Bearded dragons enjoy a colorful and varied diet – they are omnivores, after all. There are only a few foods that are off-limits in their diet. But what about eggplant? Is this a safe or beneficial food for them to enjoy? Here is what you need to know. So, can …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Butternut Squash? [Should They?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Butternut Squash? [Should They?]

It’s understandable to question giving certain foods to your bearded dragon. At the same time, it’s only natural to worry that they are getting all the nutrients they need. But what about Butternut Squash? Does this have a place in the diet, and is it something you can offer and …

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What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Play With? [The Options]

What Do Bearded Dragons Like To Play With? [The Options]

As an owner of a bearded dragon, one of your primary responsibilities is keeping them sufficiently entertained and occupied. Besides, nobody wants their pet to be bored and unhappy. Giving them things to play with is ideal here – but what do they like and what is recommended? Here is …

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When Do Bearded Dragons Stop Growing? [Average Size Guide]

When Do Bearded Dragons Stop Growing? [Average Size Guide]

If you are thinking of buying a bearded dragon, or if you already have a baby bearded dragon, you may have wondered how fast they can grow and what size they can eventually reach. Having an idea of their potential adult size will inform your decisions on what size enclosure …

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How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get? [Size Guide For Owners]

How Big Do Bearded Dragons Get? [Size Guide For Owners]

An important aspect of owning a bearded dragon is being aware of their growth rate and expected final size. Besides, we need to consider their enclosure and make arrangements ahead of time. Understanding the significance of their size on their care and your ownership, I decided to spend some time …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini? [Should You Feed It?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Zucchini? [Should You Feed It?]

Zucchini, otherwise known as courgette in many other parts of the world, is a summer squash that belongs to the same family as melons, cucumber, and spaghetti squash. Strictly speaking, zucchini isn’t a vegetable but rather a fruit, and quite a versatile one at that. But nevertheless, as a bearded …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Beans? [Are They a Good Food?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Green Beans? [Are They a Good Food?

Green beans, also widely known as string beans, are a commonly found, affordable, and versatile vegetable that is great in a variety of dishes and that can be served in a number of different ways. But what about for bearded dragons? Are they are suitable food and is there anything …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries? [Is This Fruit Safe?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Strawberries? [Is This Fruit Safe?

If you own a bearded dragon, then naturally you will have some questions on their diet and what makes an appropriate food. But what about strawberries? Are they healthy or even safe to feed and are there any considerations that you as a responsible owner will need to take into …

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Why Does My Bearded Dragon Stare At Me? [Is This Positive?]

Why Does My Bearded Dragon Stare At Me? [Is This Positive?]

Bearded dragons are famous for their quirky behavior. Deciphering the meaning behind each one can be challenging, much more so than in other animals. But what about staring? Why would a bearded dragon stare and what is the intention behind it? Intrigued, I decided to spend some time researching this …

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Can Bearded Dragons Drink Tap Water? [Is It Safe For Them?]

Can Bearded Dragons Drink Tap Water? [Is It Safe For Them?]

If you own a bearded dragon, then you will likely have some questions about keeping them well hydrated. Being a lizard, how they obtain their water can vary but nonetheless, it is important that they get sufficient water. Interestingly, bearded dragons drink water, and can learn to do so from …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms? [Do They Even Like Them?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Earthworms_ [Do They Even Like Them_]

Owning a bearded dragon comes with a number of questions and dietary considerations. While they do best on a diet of both insects and plant-based foods, it can be a challenge to know what are the best options. What about earthworms? Are these safe to feed and are there any …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cockroaches? [How Many Can You Feed?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Cockroaches? [How Many Can You Feed?]

While cockroaches are usually considered a pest that we are even programmed to fear, they are commonly sold as food at many pet stores. But are they suitable, or even preferable for a bearded dragon? If so, how many should you be looking to offer them, and is there anything …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms? [The Facts Of This Grub]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Wax Worms? [The Facts Of This Grub]

It is nice to treat your bearded dragon from time to time. Insects and grubs are often recommended and should even be a component of the diet to some extent. Of course, the age of your beardie matters, along with the specific type you offer. But what about wax worms? …

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Can Bearded Dragons Eat Superworms? [Are These A Good Treat?]

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Superworms? [Are These A Good Treat?]

If you own a bearded dragon, chances are you want to offer them treats every now and again. But what about superworms? Are these safe or even advisable to feed and if so, how many can you look to provide? I decided to research these insects and their suitability as …

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Why Is My Bearded Dragon Digging? [What Does This Mean?]

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Digging? [What Does This Mean?]

When it comes to owning a bearded dragon, there are many new behaviors we soon observe and begin to learn. Digging is one of them. For some animals and pets it makes sense, but for this reptile it can be more of a challenge to think about why they may …

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