Do Frogs Fart? [Peer-Reviewed Research Tells Us They…]

Do Frogs Fart? [Peer-Reviewed Research Tells Us They...]

Farting. It is not something you associate with frogs. But can or do they actually do it? I wanted to find out, so I spent some time researching this amusing topic. Here is what I managed to find. So, do frogs fart? Frogs do and can fart. Although, their relatively small …

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Do Frogs Blink? [Or Ever Close Their Eyes?]

Do Frogs Blink? [Or Ever Close Their Eyes?]

I’ve never seen a frog blink. So naturally, I wondered whether they even could! After a little research, here is what I found… So, do frogs blink? Frogs can blink. They generally do so while eating, as frogs use their eyes to push live prey down their throats. Blinking can …

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How Much Do Frogs Cost? [Full Cost Guide For Ownership]

How Much Do Frogs Cost? [Full Cost Guide For Ownership]

Frogs are rapidly becoming popular as pets with people looking for a relatively low-maintenance companion that doesn’t require much attention to thrive. But how much do these amphibians cost? To buy, own and take care of? I spent some time researching the actual cost of ownership – here is what …

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Do Frogs Play Dead? [This Is Quite Amazing]

Do Frogs Play Dead? [This Is Actually Quite Amazing]

Frogs are pretty vulnerable. They do not have much of a visual deterrent to ward off potential predators. While some frogs are poisonous, there is generally little protecting them from much more formidable carnivores. So naturally, you may be wondering whether frogs can play dead? Do they use this tactic …

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Do Frogs Eat Tadpoles? [Or Protect Them From Predators?]

Do Frogs Eat Tadpoles? [Or Protect Them From Predators?]

Tadpoles are entirely defenseless and incredibly vulnerable to any predator that makes a go for them. But what about frogs? Do they, or will they, actively try to consume them? Here is what you need to know. So, do frogs eat tadpoles? Frogs can resort to eating tadpoles if there is …

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Do Frogs Breathe Underwater? [Can Frogs Actually Drown?]

Do Frogs Breathe Underwater? [Can Frogs Actually Drown?]

Frogs are amphibians, so along with toads, salamanders, and newts, they can live both in the water and on land. But what about breathing? Are frogs capable of exchanging gases required for life when submerged? Here is all that you will want to know. So, do frogs breathe underwater? Frogs do …

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Do Frogs Drink Water? [This Is Actually Quite Amazing]

Do Frogs Drink Water? [This Is Actually Quite Amazing]

Every animal, from ant to elephant, requires water in order to survive, and frogs are no exception. But how do they get the hydration they need? Is it through the physical act of drinking? Here is all you will want to know. So, do frogs drink water? Frogs do not drink …

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What Do Frogs Eat As A Pet? [Dietary Guide For Owners]

What Do Frogs Eat As A Pet? [Dietary Guide For Owners]

Frogs will eat practically anything in the wild, from butterflies to spiders! But keeping them as pets is a little different. Besides, we cannot always ensure that these will be around for our amphibians to eat. As such, it is essential that we proactively source appropriate food for our frogs; …

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Do Pet Frogs Smell? [Do They Have Natural Odors?]

Do Pet Frogs Smell? [Do They Have Any Natural Bad Odors?]

If you are considering owning a or several pet frogs, you will naturally want to know whether they smell. Besides, this can have big implications of whether you can, or want, to keep them at all. At the very least, it will play a role in where they are kept. …

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Do Frogs Eat…[22 Food Sources Under The Microscope]

Do Frogs Eat...[22 Food Sources Under The Microscope]

Frogs consume a varied diet, to say the least. Both in the wild and in captivity (when kept as pets.) As such, it can be difficult to know what these amphibians do and do not eat. So, I decided to research into the dietary patterns and behaviors of frogs. You’ll …

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Do Frogs Eat Crickets? [Is This Insect Typically Consumed?]

Do Frogs Eat Crickets? [Is This Insect Typically Consumed?]

As opportunistic carnivores, frogs are known to devour pretty much anything that crosses their path! But what about crickets? Do frogs instinctively eat them? Here is what you need to know. So, do frogs eat crickets? Most frog species will readily consume crickets, both in the wild and in captivity. However, …

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How Big Do Frogs Get? [Size & Weight Of 18 Common Species]

How Big Do Frogs Get? [Size & Weight Of 18 Common Species]

Starting out as frogspawn, transitioning into a froglet and then again onto a frog. No wonder why it is so hard to envision how big a frog will get. And then there are the thousands of different species. But what kind of size does the average frog get; what is …

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Do Frogs Eat Mice? [It All Depends On This One Factor]

Do Frogs Eat Mice? [It All Depends On This One Factor]

Frogs are opportunistic feeders, consuming a wide variety of different foods and anything that comes their way. Being primarily carnivorous by nature, this can include but is not limited to small insects, snails, and worms. But what about mice? Would a frog attempt to eat prey of this size? Here …

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Do Frogs Sleep With Their Eyes Open? [The Surprising Truth]

Do Frogs Sleep With Their Eyes Open? [The Surprising Truth]

The sleeping habits of frogs may be of interest to you. Perhaps you have a local population nearby, a keen interest, or even keep them as pets. A common question asked is whether these amphibians sleep with their eyes open? The answer may come as a surprise… So, do frogs …

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Do Frogs Eat Snails? [What About That Hard Shell?]

Do Frogs Eat Snails? [What About That Hard Shell?]

The diet of a frog is relatively varied. As opportunistic feeders, they primarily eat what comes their way. Within reason, of course. But what about snails? Would a frog attempt or routinely consume them? So, do frogs eat snails? Frogs do eat snails if given the opportunity to do so. They …

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Do Frogs Lay Eggs? [The Reproduction Guide For Frogs]

Do Frogs Lay Eggs? [The Reproduction Guide For Frogs]

Are you wondering how frogs reproduce? Not sure whether these amphibians lay and develop from eggs? Here is all that you will want to know. So, do frogs lay eggs? Frogs lay eggs in water, anywhere from 2-10,000 at a time (depending on the species). A group of eggs laid at the …

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Do Frogs Bite? [Have Teeth, Or Inflict Any Real Damage?]

Do Frogs Bite? [Have Teeth, Or Inflict Any Real Damage?]

A frog biting. It’s hard to imagine. But do these amphibians ever do so? And more importantly, are bite dangerous or painful? Here is what you need to know. So, do frogs bite? Frogs can bite, with some species being more likely to do so than others. Frogs are most likely …

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Can You Keep A Wild Frog As A Pet? [What You Must Know]

Can You Keep A Wild Frog As A Pet? [What You Must Know]

Perhaps you’ve found a local frog population. Maybe you’ve seen a frog whom desperately looks in need of care. Either way, you may be wondering whether or not you can keep a wild frog as a pet. Is it safe, or is it feasible alternative to purchasing a frog from …

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