15 Great Gifts For Gecko Lovers

Gifts For Gecko Lovers

Are you looking to get a gift for a gecko lover in your life? Are they simply enamored with these little lizards? Whether they own a leopard, crested or tokay, or whether they are just fond of them altogether, these are the kind of gifts you simply should consider. Gecko …

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Do Leopard Geckos Need UVB? [How Essential Is This Light?]

Do Leopard Geckos Need UVB? [How Essential Is This Light?]

Owning an exotic reptile like a leopard gecko undoubtedly comes with its questions. It can be challenging for beginners and new owners to know the difference between what they need to get and what is nice to have. UVB Lighting is one such topic. Are these lizards require this in …

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What Worms Can Leopard Geckos Eat? [12 Worms To Consider]

What Worms Can Leopard Geckos Eat? [12 Worms To Consider]

As insectivores, leopard geckos thrive on a carnivorous diet of bugs and grubs. You’ll often see recommendations for worms as part of this. But a little bit of research quickly shows that they are not all the same. Different worms have very different nutrient profiles. Naturally, we begin to question …

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Are Geckos Good Pets? [Should You Be Looking To Get One?]

Are Geckos Good Pets? [Should You Be Looking To Get One?]

Geckos. The small colorful lizard with thousands of species. But what are they like to keep and care for as pets? Are they considered suitable for most owners, are they friendly, and what species are best to keep? With these questions in mind, I spent an afternoon researching all about …

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How Much Do Crested Geckos Cost? [Guide For New Owners]

How Much Do Crested Geckos Cost? [Guide For New Owners]

If you are looking at getting a pet lizard, then the crested gecko may have piqued your interest. But how much can you expect to pay for one of these fascinating reptiles? Both upfront and in terms of ongoing care and maintenance? Intrigued, I spent some time pulling together all …

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How Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Food [What Is Normal?]

How Long Can Leopard Geckos Go Without Food [What Is Normal?]

If you have recently taken on a leopard gecko, then you are going to need to be well versed in their dietary needs and nutritional requirements. For instance, how regularly do they need to be fed and how long can they go between meals? Here is what you will need …

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Why Is My Leopard Gecko Not Eating? [And What You Can Do]

Why Is My Leopard Gecko Not Eating? [And What You Can Do]

Welcoming a leopard gecko into your home is a delightful experience, but it can quickly become worrisome if they stop eating. Understanding your gecko’s dietary habits is crucial, yet sudden changes can leave even experienced reptile enthusiasts puzzled. So, why is my leopard gecko not eating? Your leopard gecko might …

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Best Terrarium For Leopard Geckos [Top 5 Picks & Buyers Guide]

Best Terrarium For Leopard Geckos [Top 5 Picks & Buyers Guide]

If you are looking to take care of a Leopard Gecko, then one of your most important investments will be the terrarium in which you look to home them. Being aware of this fact, I have spent the last couple of weeks researching around to find the best terrariums and …

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Where Do Geckos Sleep? [And Other Sleeping Habits]

Where Do Geckos Sleep [And Other Sleeping Habits]

Geckos are unique exotic pets, with a range of behaviors and traits that owners need to accommodate for. But what about sleeping? How do these lizards acquire there rest and where do they go to do so? I decided to research the topic to find answers to these kind of …

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Do Geckos Lay Eggs? [There’s More To It Than You Think]

Do Geckos Lay Eggs? [There's More To It Than You Think]

You may be wondering how your pet gecko reproduces. Do they lay eggs or do they produce offspring through live birth? While it may be more obvious for other types of reptiles and lizards, it is not directly obvious with this smaller species. Intrigued and curious, I conducted some research …

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Are Geckos Nocturnal? [Why Do Geckos Come Out At Night]

Are Geckos Nocturnal? [Why Do Geckos Come Out At Night?]

Geckos are one of the more popular exotic pets to keep, especially for those who like reptiles. However, when it comes to taking care of a pet, whether they are active or sleep during the night can make a big difference in how you look after them. Geckos are interesting …

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Are Geckos Dangerous? [What Owners Need To Be Aware Of]

Are Geckos Dangerous? [What Owners Need To Be Aware Of]

If you are looking to get a pet gecko, then one of your primary concerns will be whether they are, or can be, dangerous. Are they a highly defensive reptile, likely to attack at an opportune moment? I decided to conduct some research into the topic. I would like to …

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How Big Do Geckos Get? [With Size Chart By Age Tables]

How Big Do Geckos Get? [With Size Chart By Age Tables]

Geckos are considered small lizards; but how big do they eventually get? What kind of size (length and weight) will they grow to and what factors are important to them fulfilling their potential? Here is all that you are going to want to know. So, how big do geckos get? …

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Do Geckos Have Teeth? [I Couldn’t Quite Believe This]

Do Geckos Have Teeth? [I Couldn't Quite Believe This]

Geckos are interesting lizards with a range of their own unique traits and characteristics. But what about teeth; do they possess these like other animals and mammals? I was very interested by this question, so I did some research. Here is what I found.  So, do geckos have teeth? Yes, all geckos …

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Can Geckos Eat Fruit? [Important Considerations For Owners]

Can Geckos Eat Fruit? [Important Considerations For Owners]

Fruit is a readily available food and you may consider offering your gecko some as a treat, but it’s important to ask if it’s safe for them to eat. One of the most common inquiries from gecko owners is regarding their diet. So I have decided to conduct some thorough …

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