Pet Educate
Your online resource to learn everything you need to know about your pet.
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About Pet Educate
Hi I’m Jeremy, the founder and chief editor here at Pet Educate.
My mission is simple – to help you take the best care of your pet.
In order to do so, I have pulled together an experienced team of pet owners, enthusiasts and accredited veterinarians (with over 250 years of pet ownership knowledge and experience between us).
Here, I/we share our knowledge, expertise and experience, along with the important insights we acquire from the latest studies and research in the pet care industry.
We want to provide you with access to all of the information that you need… right when you need it.
Learn more about us.
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Our Editorial Process
We strive to offer the most accurate, detailed, and thoroughly researched pet articles online.
Our writing team spends a significant amount of their time researching.
We only cite the most credible sources, seeking the most established and trusted publications, veterinarians, and animal behavioral specialists in the industry.
The writing process is focused on providing clear and concise answers with easily actionable advice and suggestions.
Articles are formatted to help you find more than you thought you were looking for.
Every article is edited as and when needed to ensure the highest quality.
Facts are checked and content is improved where necessary.
A final review is followed by article publication.
From there, articles are routinely revisited, updated, and kept current with the latest research and expert recommendations.
Learn more about our editorial process here.
Latest Articles
- What Size Crate For A Husky? [The Optimal Dimensions Are…]Are you in the market for a new crate for your husky? Well, first things first, you’ll need to work out the size you need. Thankfully, the process is pretty simple. And today, I’d like to share exactly how you can work out what size …
- Best Dog Crate For Bernedoodle [This Is The One To Get & Why]If you’re a proud Bernedoodle parent, finding the right crate is undoubtedly challenging. You want something durable, comfortable, easy to transport, and visually appealing. The trouble is, there are countless brands, styles, and options out there. After many years of raising dogs and experimenting with …
- Best Dog Crate For Dogs That Escape [This Is The Solution]Do you have an escape artist on your hands? A curious dog that you struggle to contain? Perhaps you have tried a dog crate(s) already. Maybe they’ve managed to escape. It could even have been a close call. Or, you know it’s possible due to …
- Best Crate For Labradoodle [The One To Buy And Why]If you’re here, chances are, you’re a proud Labradoodle owner, or soon-to-be one. You might be in the throes of decision-making, wondering which crate is the best. I’ve been in your shoes – having raised multiple dogs, I understand how crucial it is to choose …
- Why Does My Dog Escape From His Crate?There is nothing more concerning, or alarming, than returning to the crate, only to see your dog is missing. They’ve escaped again! Not good. Not good at all. You’ll likely want to know how to get your dog to stop doing this. But that comes …
- What Size Crate For A Labradoodle? [For A Perfect Fit]It’s time to get a crate for your Labradoodle. First step, finding the right size. Trouble is, Labradoodles come in a range of sizes. It makes finding the right crate all that more complex. But let me tell you. It doesn’t need to be. Today, …
- Best Dog Crate For Camping [This Is The Standout Winner]Are you busy planning your next exciting camping trip? Are you hoping to take your dog along with you? If so, you are going to need a reliable, practical, comfortable, safe and durable crate. Not just for this trip. But for all future camping get-aways …
- Puppy Wants To Sleep On Floor Not Crate [Why & What To Do]That crate you bought for your puppy to sleep in. Only they prefer the floor! Seems strange right, since you’ve probably made that crate as comfortable as you can (or at least I hope). That’s something to try, but more on that later. So why …
- Puppy Sleeps In Crate At Night But Not During DayHave you noticed this pattern: your puppy sleeps in their crate, harmoniously, at night, but during the day. Not a chance. They just won’t sleep. They may not even settle! But why is your puppy doing this? Should they be sleeping in the day? Is …
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