How Often Do Lovebirds Lay Eggs [What Season & How Many?]

How Often Do Lovebirds Lay Eggs [What Season & How Many?]

Like all birds, female Lovebirds lay eggs as part of their reproductive cycle. Lovebirds will lay eggs regardless of whether or not they have a mate. But how often do they typically do so and what does this all mean when keeping these birds as pets? Here is everything you …

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How To Tame A Lovebird [Step By Step Guide For Owners]

How To Tame A Lovebird [Step By Step Guide For Owners]

Deciding to add a Lovebird to the family is an exciting moment. After reading about their personalities and needs for space, you know they will be a great pet for your family. But know that you are bringing a new bird home; you’re going to need to tame them. How …

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Are Lovebirds Loud? [Guide For Potential New Owners]

Are Lovebirds Loud [Guide For Potential New Owners]

With their brightly colored bodies and faces, curious personalities, and manageable size, there is a lot to love about Lovebirds. They are a starter parrot for many growing bird lovers and truly enjoy interaction with their owners. Before you jump into caring for one of these feathered friends, there is …

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How Big Do Lovebirds Get? [Average Size And Growth Guide]

How Big Do Lovebirds Get? [Average Size And Growth Guide]

Have you ‘oohed’ and ‘awwed’ at the brightly colored parrots from content online, at the zoo, or even the pet store? I’m not surprised. Parrots are colorful, curious, and intelligent creatures that naturally demand the attention of anyone around them. Perhaps you have considered owning one of these beauties for …

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How Much Do Lovebirds Cost? [Average Price To Buy And Own]

How Much Do Lovebirds Cost? [Average Price To Buy And Own]

If you are looking at buying a lovebird, one of your first questions and primary concerns will be how much they cost. You’ll need to know how much they cost upfront, and how much they will cost to look after going forward. Intrigued on getting one of these colorful birds …

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How Long Do Lovebirds Live? [On Average In Captivity]

How Long Do Lovebirds Live? [On Average In Captivity]

Lovebirds are small parrots with fun personalities and colorful plumes. When kept in captivity, these tiny birds are extremely playful and very loving with their humans. If you are considering purchasing one of these interesting birds, you’ll want to know what their average lifespan is. So, how long do lovebirds …

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Can Lovebirds Eat Bananas? [Is This A Safe Fruit To Offer?]

Can Lovebirds Eat Bananas? [Is This A Safe Fruit To Offer?]

If you own a pet lovebird, then naturally you will want to what you can safely feed them. Bananas make a healthy, tasty and nutritious snack for us humans – but can they do the same for your bird? I decided to spend some time researching; taking the recommendations of …

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Do Lovebirds Talk? [And Other Sounds They Like To Make]

Do Lovebirds Talk? [And Other Sounds They Like To Make]

Lovebirds, for good reason, are one of the most popular species of pet parrot. Beautiful and intelligent these charming creatures make for excellent and engaging pets to own. If you own a Lovebird, or are interested in learning more about this species, naturally you may have some questions about their …

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