Can Tortoises Eat Asparagus? [Is This Vegetable Safe?]

Can Tortoises Eat Asparagus? [Is This Vegetable Safe?]

If you own a pet tortoise, naturally you are going to have some questions on what they can and cannot eat. What are the best vegetables to serve can be a little confusing – especially when there are foods that we eat that can be toxic to our torts. But …

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Can Tortoises Eat Pineapple? [It Depends On The Species!]

Can Tortoises Eat Pineapple_ [It Depends On The Species!]

If you have recently homed a pet tortoise, you will have a lot of questions about their diet. What can they safely consume and what is most beneficial for them? I decided to research the various species of tortoises, and their needs, to see whether pineapple is a fruit an …

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Can Tortoises Eat Grass? [Are There Any Benefits In Doing So?]

Can Tortoises Eat Grass? [Are There Any Benefits In Doing So?]

Our pet tortoises make great company and we often like to be around them: both in the house and also outside. Whilst tortoises typically like to please themselves, owners do need to keep a watchful eye over their pets when outdoors. Naturally, owners may have some questions relating to what …

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Do Tortoises Smell? [What Do They Smell Like; Is It Bad?]

Do Tortoises Smell? [What Do They Smell Like; Is It Bad?]

It’s natural for any potential tortoise owner to consider the impact of ownership on their home. Tortoises are said to be ideal for people who cannot accommodate a needy pet; but are they known to smell? Do they naturally produce any odors or are they a harbinger of foul smells …

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Can Tortoises Eat Spinach? [But What About The Oxalates!]

Can Tortoises Eat Spinach [But What About The Oxalates!]

If you own a pet tortoise, then you’ll be fully aware that 80% of their diet should consist of fresh vegetables. But what about spinach? Is this a safe, healthy, and nutritious food to give a tortoise? This is what you should be aware of. So, can tortoises eat spinach? …

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Do Tortoises Recognize Their Owners? [Can They Get Attached?]

Do Tortoises Recognize Their Owners? [Can They Get Attached?]

It is incredibly rewarding for pet owners when their pets show recognition to them. Tortoises make amazing pets; however, they are not generally known as the most sociable of creatures. So, you may be wondering if they are even able to remember you as their guardian. I decided to do …

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Why Do Tortoises Headbutt? [What Does This Behavior Mean?]

Why Do Tortoises Headbutt? [What Does This Behavior Mean?]

Tortoises are pets that are undeniably fascinating and full of character. Certain tortoise behaviors and quirks can be baffling to owners, understanding these can allow us to take better care of our pets. A common behavior, particularly among male tortoises’ is headbanging or headbutting. But why do tortoises do this …

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Best Substrate For Tortoises [Top 5 & Owners Buyers Guide]

Best Substrate For Tortoises [Top 5 & Owners Buyers Guide]

If you’re looking for the best substrate to line the bottom of your pet tortoises enclosure, then this buyer’s guide will be all you need. With a number of brands and multiple types of substrate, what you may have thought would be an easy task can soon become confusing. What …

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Can A Tortoise Eat Apple? [Does It Differ Between Species?]

Can A Tortoise Eat Apple? [Does It Differ Between Species?]

Feeding a pet tortoise can be somewhat confusing; there is a lot of conflicting information and it can be difficult to know what is safe and preferable. What about apples? Are they a healthy option for a treat? So, can a tortoise eat apple? Most fruit-eating species of tortoises can …

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Do Tortoises Drink Water? [And Other Important Considerations]

Do Tortoises Drink Water [And Other Important Considerations]

Many tortoise owners comment on how they have never seen their pet tortoise drink water. The advice given to owners is that they must place their pet in a bowl of water to get their tortoise to drink; however, this method isn’t always successful, as owners find that their pet …

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Can Tortoises Eat Bananas? [Does It Differ Between Species?]

Can Tortoises Eat Bananas? [Does It Differ Between Species?]

When it comes to feeding your tortoise, you may have wondered whether fruits are a safe and healthy treat. What about bananas specifically; where do they fall? Is this something that you can and would even want to feed? Here is what you must know. So, can tortoises eat bananas? …

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How Often Do Tortoises Poop? [What Is A Healthy Amount]

How Often Do Tortoises Poop [What Is A Healthy Amount]

If you are considering getting a tortoise, or you have even recently adopted one, then one of those things you will need to be aware of is their pooping habits and behaviors. It’s hard to know what to expect at first as all animals and pets are different. Having been …

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How Big Do Tortoises Get? [The Complete Size Guide]

How Big Do Tortoises Get

Diving into the world of tortoises is both fascinating and full of surprises. Ever wondered just how expansive that adorable baby tortoise might become? Or pondered over the time it takes for it to mature into its grand stature? Whether you’re contemplating getting a shelled companion or simply curious about …

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12 Must-Have Gifts For Tortoise Lovers

Gifts For Tortoise Lovers

Are you searching for a special gift for a certain tortoise lover in your life? Can be challenging to find, right? Besides, you don’t want to incorrectly get them something turtle-themed! So, I decided to research the market to find the best gifts currently available for these slow-paced land-reptiles! Tortoise …

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How Do Tortoises Sleep? [What Does This Mean For Keeping?]

How Do Tortoises Sleep? [What Does This Mean For Keeping?]

Animals are all unique in their sleeping habits, and tortoises are no different. Bats sleep hanging upside down, and sea otters hold hands. But what about tortoises? Do they have a unique way of sleeping? Let’s find out! So, how do tortoises sleep? Tortoises sleep up to 12 hours a day, …

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How Long Do Red-Footed Tortoises Live? [On Average]

How Long Do Red-Footed Tortoises Live? [On Average]

Red-footed tortoises make excellent pets: they are known to be curious, individual, and brave! But if you are considering one, you will want to know how long you can expect for them to reside in your care. Here is everything you’ll need to know. So, how long do red-footed tortoises …

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Best Substrate For Hermann Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

Best Substrate For Hermann Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

You need substrate for your Hermann tortoise. Problem is, you don’t know which type to get or which brand is best. Besides, it’s an incredibly important choice. It’s literally the ground they walk on and what they will spend most of their time upon. It lines the length of the …

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What To Feed A Hermann Tortoise? [Complete Dietary Guide]

What To Feed A Hermann Tortoise? [Complete Dietary Guide]

If you are looking, or have recently adopted a Hermann tortoise as a pet, then naturally, you are going to want to know how to feed it. And not just what you can, but what you should. Here is everything you will need to know. So, what do you feed …

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How Long Do Russian Tortoises Live? [What Keepers Must Know]

How Long Do Russian Tortoises Live? [What Keepers Must Know]

Russian Tortoises, which also go by numerous other names such as the Afghan or Horsfield’s tortoise, are one of the most readily available species to keep as pets. So naturally, you may be considering one. But how long do they typically live for and what kind of commitment could you …

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What To Feed A Sulcata Tortoise [The Dos And Don’ts]

What To Feed A Sulcata Tortoise [The Dos And Don’ts]

Sulcata tortoises are one of the most popular pet tortoises to keep. One of the reasons why is that they are extremely adaptable to different living conditions. Native to the harsh arid climates of Africa, Sulcata tortoises are hardy animals, but certain requirements must be met in order for them …

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How Long Do Hermann Tortoises Live? [On Average]

How Long Do Hermann Tortoises Live [On Average]

Hermann tortoises are popular pets and for good reason. They have individual personalities with their own likes, dislikes, and quirks. But how long can a keeper expect to have one for? What is their typical life expectancy and how does it compare between the wild and in captivity? Let’s find …

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What To Feed A Russian Tortoise [The Dos And Don’ts]

What To Feed A Russian Tortoise [The Dos And Don'ts]

If you decide to get a Russian tortoise, then one of your immediate and primary concerns is what you are going to need to feed them. What is the best diet for this particular species? Let’s find out. So, what do you feed a Russian tortoise? Russian tortoises are grazing herbivores, …

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How Much Does A Hermann Tortoise Cost? [Finance Guide]

How Much Does A Hermann Tortoise Cost? [Finance Guide]

If you are considering adopting or purchasing a Hermann tortoise, it’s essential to know how much they cost. Not only will you have to consider the average price to buy one, but you’ll want to know about the other additional costs that these pets can incur over the course of …

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Best Substrate For Sulcata Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

Best Substrate For Sulcata Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

Are you looking to buy a substrate for your Sulcata tortoise but are not sure which one to buy, and to use? Confused by the types and the brands? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Today, I’ll be introducing you to the best three recommendations as confirmed by tortoise …

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Best Substrate For Russian Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

Best Substrate For Russian Tortoise [Buyers Guide]

Do you need to buy some substrate for your Russian tortoise? Not sure what type to buy or what brand is best? Well, this buyer’s guide is for you. Today, I’ll be walking you through some of the most popular and highly reviewed substrates that are best suited to the …

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How Big Do Leopard Tortoises Get? [Average Size Guide]

How Big Do Leopard Tortoises Get? [Average Size Guide]

After doing some research on tortoises as pets, you might be considering the leopard species in particular. But considering tortoises can vary quite dramatically in size, it’s certainly a good idea to question what to expect. Besides, you need to know whether you have the space to accommodate them! With …

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How To Tell The Age Of A Tortoise [What Can You Do?]

How To Tell the Age Of A Tortoise [What Can You Do?]

Some tortoise species can live for more than 100 years, so you are going to want to know where you are in their current lifecycle. If you are hoping that your tortoise will tell you or demonstrate in some way their age, you are going to be very disappointed! So …

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How Big Does A Hermann Tortoise Get? [Average Size Guide]

How Big Does A Hermann Tortoise Get [Average Size Guide]

A Hermann tortoise is an excellent pet with its cute face and easy-going temperament. These tortoises are relatively simple to look after and feed. But how big do they typically get, on average, and what do you need to consider regarding their size? This is all you need to know. …

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How To Tell If A Tortoise Is Male Or Female? [Sexing Guide]

How To Tell If A Tortoise Is Male Or Female

It can be challenging to determine if a tortoise is male or female, compared to other animals whose genitalia is obvious. There are several ways to tell the difference, once you know how. Knowing if you have a male or female will help you know what your pet needs and …

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What Does Tortoise Poop Look Like? [And Should Look Like]

What Does Tortoise Poop Look Like? [And Should Look Like]

If you have recently got a pet tortoise, then you may not have yet seen any poop. Or have you? What does it even look like, and how do you tell it apart from the habitat substrate or identify if and when something could be wrong? Here is what you …

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How Much Does A Russian Tortoise Cost [Finance Guide]

How Much Does A Russian Tortoise Cost [Finance Guide]

If you are considering purchasing or adopting a Russian tortoise, you’ll want to know how much they cost. Not only will you have to take into account the average price to buy one, but you’ll need to know about the other costs that these pets can incur over the course …

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How Big Does A Red Foot Tortoise Get? [Complete Size Guide]

How Big Does A Red Foot Tortoise Get? [Complete Size Guide]

Red Foot tortoises are beautiful and popular pets, with their pretty yellow, orange, or red patches on their legs and tail. But how big does a Red Foot tortoise get? How quickly can they reach their full size, and how much space do they need to live happily and thrive? …

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How Long Can A Tortoise Go Without Water? [Safely]

How Long Can A Tortoise Go Without Water? [Safely]

All animals need water to survive, but some species can survive for much longer than others without access to a drink. But what about tortoises? How long can they survive between drinks, and how much water do they actually need? Here’s everything you’ll want to know. So, how long can …

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What To Do With A Dead Tortoise? [All Of Your Options]

What To Do With A Dead Tortoise? [All Of Your Options]

Although they do have long lifespans, there will come a time when your pet tortoise’s life comes to an end. Once you’re sure they have died, what do you do with their body? How can you take care of a dead tortoise in a way that honors your friend? Here …

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Do Hermann Tortoises Hibernate? [In The Wild vs. Captivity]

Do Hermann Tortoises Hibernate? [In The Wild vs. Captivity]

Are you looking to own a Hermann Tortoise? Then you’re going to need to know whether they hibernate. Besides, it will have quite considerable ramifications on their care. Here is what you need to know. So, do Hermann tortoises hibernate? Hermann tortoises hibernate in the wild and can do so when …

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Do Sulcata Tortoises Hibernate? [How Cold Is Too Cold?]

Do Sulcata Tortoises Hibernate? [How Cold Is Too Cold?]

Not all tortoise species hibernate. But what about the Sulcata, otherwise known as the African spurred tortoise? Do they spend any significant time in a less active state and what does this all mean for owners? I spent some time researching the species to find out exactly how they instinctively …

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Do Russian Tortoises Hibernate? [What About In Captivity?]

Do Russian Tortoises Hibernate? [What About In Captivity?]

If you are looking to keep a Russian tortoise as a pet, then you’ll likely want to know whether or not they hibernate. Besides, it can have a big impact on ownership and how you look after, care for and plan ahead. This is what you need to know about …

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How Big Do Russian Tortoises Get? [Average Full Grown Size]

How Big Do Russian Tortoises Get? [Average Full Grown Size]

The Russian tortoise goes by many names. You may even have seen them referred to as the Horsefield tortoise, the Central Asian, the Afghan, or the four-toed tortoise. Either way, the tortoise species is the same. But how big do they typically get and what can an owner expect in …

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Why Is My Tortoise Not Eating? [Main Causes & What To Do]

Why Is My Tortoise Not Eating? [Main Causes & What To Do]

When owning a pet tortoise, it is concerning any time that they stop eating their food. If it comes about suddenly, it can be outright confusing. But why may they do this and how should you respond; is it even normal for tortoises? With these questions in mind, I have …

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Can Tortoises Eat Avocado? [Is This Fruit Safe To Offer?]

Can Tortoises Eat Avocado? [Is This Fruit Safe To Offer?]

Avocados are a tasty and healthy snack for us humans, but can the same be said for pet tortoises? Should tortoises be eating this fruit or can they actually be quite dangerous where strict avoidance is necessary? I have spent some time looking into this fruit and whether we should …

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