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How Big Do Dumbo Rats Get? [Average Size Guide For Owners]

A lot goes into choosing a breed of rat, from their general temperament to their final size. For the Dumbo rat, you may be wondering how big they typically end up. Besides, you are going to want to hold them and accommodate them after all. Here is what you need to know.

So, how big do dumbo rats get? Dumbo rats typically measure between 14-22″ in full body length (with 7-9″ of that being the tail) and weigh between 1-1.5 pounds, on average. They physically mature around 6 months of age and continue to fill out to reach their full adult size by 1 year old. As their name implies, they have extra-large ears that sit on a larger head too.

Dumbo rats are undoubtedly renowned for being cute.

I’ve even seen them being described as ‘teddy-bear’ rats, not the kind of association you would expect with this particular rodent.

Their appearance is one of the most desirable traits of the breed.

Plus the fact that they have been very well domesticated, only bred to be kept as pets. It comes as no surprise that they are so social, friendly, and playful.

It certainly helps when they are so cute too!

Let us now take a closer look at their size before looking at what this can all mean from an owner’s perspective; if you did, decide to take one on.

Are Dumbo Rats Bigger Than Normal Rats?

Dumbo rats are not typically any bigger than your average rat. However, they have larger body dimensions, especially the head and ears, compared to other breeds.

For instance, a standard rat typically reaches between 16-20″ in full body length (tail included) and will typically weigh between 1-2 pounds.

As you can see, these measurements are pretty similar to that of a Dumbo.

There is an exception here, though.

And it comes with the dwarf variety of Dumbo.

Dumbo rats can be dwarf size, and these are certainly much smaller. Weighing less than 0.5 pounds.

But it’s important to consider that you can get dwarf sized rats of other breeds too.

So, a fair comparison would be the dwarf vs. dwarf of each breed.

And then, the sizes are pretty similar once again.

So, the general body size of a Dumbo rat is very similar to that of other breeds.

You also observe similar patterns:

  • Males are generally larger than females,
  • Rats can vary in terms of size, and you tend to get much smaller and larger rats than the breed standard in the population.

It is, however, the head and the ears where Dumbo rats are certainly ‘larger.’

They have huge, rounded ears – hence the name (and in reference to Dumbo the Elephant from Disney).

Such ears are much larger than that of your standard rat, and they sit on a larger head too.

Besides this, they also have a jaw that sits lower on the face than in other rats.

All this is giving the Dumbo rat a specifically innocent, wide-eyed, and friendly appearance.

How Long Does It Take A Dumbo Rat To Grow To Full Size?

A Dumbo rat will typically reach its full and final adult size at around 10-12 months of age.

However, they will reach their physical maturity a lot sooner than this, around 6 months of age.

This is when they will reach their full-body dimensions – specifically their length.

While they will also be of healthy weight at this age, they will continue to fill out over the next few months.

A combination of muscle and fat will contribute.

It is therefore essential that a Dumbo rat gets sufficient exercise, along with being fed an appropriate diet, to ensure they grow and maintain a healthy weight at all times.

High-quality pellets should be a staple, along with the occasional fruit and vegetable and a protein source such as boiled chicken or a hard-boiled egg.

Size Considerations For Owners

If you are looking to own a Dumbo rat, you need to be able to afford sufficient space for them. This will include both their cage, where it is housed, and time outside of the cage for them to play. They require plenty of space to play and explore. 

Let us now take a closer look at what this all means practically.

Cage Size

The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) recommends that rats should be housed in a cage at least 2′ x 2′ x 2′ (60cm x 60cm x60cm).

This affords rats plenty of space, which they need to be able to run around, explore and roam.

So, when it comes to purchasing a cage, you should look to find the largest one that you can realistically afford – and place within your home.

Consider the bigger, the better.

This can be tricky for owners.

But thankfully, as rats are willing, capable, and enjoy climbing, you can provide space vertically.

There are many cages on the market that provide different levels. This gives more space for a rat to explore without taking up as much ground, flooring space in your home.

It also means that they can venture to a different level, seeking privacy away from other rats when they desire it.

This moves us on to the next point…


Rats are very social animals and should be kept in pairs at a very minimum.

It is essential, however, that you get the pairing right for a harmonious environment.

2 male Dumbo rats can get along, but only when introduced when young and socialized together at a young age.

Otherwise, you could have issues with aggression.

A neutered male rat can be housed with females, or a spayed female can be accommodated with males.

But, you do not want intact rats kept together – unless you want them to breed. You can expect up to 20 pups. A significant challenge will be on your hands.

It is possible to keep two dumbo rats together, or you can keep them with other breeds of rats since they all come from the same species.

Exercise Out of The Cage

You will also need to be able to afford your Dumbo rat(s) some safe time outside of the cage to play.

So it helps that you have enough room in your home to be able to do so.

When letting them out of the cage, ensure that you supervise them closely.

It helps to get a pen where they can be contained.

As rats love to chew, you need to be particularly careful of electronic equipment around the home, such as any wires or cords.

Some owners even teach their Dumbo rat tricks or set up a small obstacle course for them to navigate.


Dumbo rats make excellent pets. Fun, loving, and social, and incredibly adorable all at the same time.

Their larger head, larger ears, and lower jaw are all a big part of this.

But outside of these particular dimensions, they are not huge in body size, be it length or weight.

They typically measure up similarly to other breeds.

But this does not mean that they do not require space. Quite the opposite, in fact.

So, a sufficiently large cage and dedicated roaming space in the house will go a long way in keeping them happy and healthy.

Chances are you will only more than one. Besides, it is recommended for this rodent.