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How Big Do Geckos Get? [With Size Chart By Age Tables]

Geckos are considered small lizards; but how big do they eventually get? What kind of size (length and weight) will they grow to and what factors are important to them fulfilling their potential? Here is all that you are going to want to know.

So, how big do geckos get? The average gecko will range from 10 to 24 inches in length by the time they reach full size (this includes the tail). They will weigh between 25-100 grams depending on the size and the species. For geckos, you can expect full adult maturity in around 18 months following birth. However, increased temperature and humidity in the early phases of life can result in faster development and reaching sexual maturity sooner.

Gecko Size

These lizards are small creatures, but they still lots of room in their habitat to climb and move from one place to another.

As an owner, you will need to make sure that you provide a sufficiently large enclosure and that you also supply them with several hiding spots. You can use branches, plants, and driftwood.

Let us now explore the topic further so that you can get a better understanding of this reptiles growth potential and some considerations you should take into account if you own one.

Gecko Growth Rate

Different species of gecko will grow to different sizes and weights; they have their own unique potential which is largely dictated by genetic and inheritance.

It’s important to consider the species of gecko in which you decide to own. This will largely dictate what you can expect.

Looking at the example of leopard geckos, they grow from hatchling to maturity in around 18 months.

Once leopard geckos reach their full size, surprisingly, they continue growing.

All geckos seem to respond to rises in temperature and humidity in their surroundings by increasing in size and reaching sexual maturity sooner.

There is no absolute way to determine the precise age of a gecko as there is no reliable leopard growth rate chart.

Their size is dependant on their overall health, diet, calorie intake, and genetic traits.

Baby leopards have bands around their bodies instead of spots; as they age, the bands separate and become spots.

This process doesn’t occur until the leopard is one year old. When you see a gecko with bands instead of spots, this indicates that it only hatched within the year.

As hatchlings, leopard geckos are 3-4 inches in length and grow to be between 6-10 inches in length, and will live between six to ten years.

Female geckos are on average, 7-8 inches long, and male geckos are, on average, 8-10 inches long.

As you can see males are slightly larger at full growth.

Gecko Size Chart (By Age And Weight)

In this section we will be taking a look at the two most common species of geckos that are often kept as pets; Crested and Leopard Geckos.

We will first look at a size chart of the crested gecko, but it is only a rough guide as crested geckos grow at their own speed.

Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can affect the growth rate of every gecko species.

Once a gecko weighs between 10 to 12 grams, they continue to grow quickly until they reach 25 grams in weight.

As you will soon see, growth is slow for the first three months, as there is only an increase of one gram every month.

From month four to month seven, growth picks up slightly, with a rise of two grams every month.

Every gecko species that reaches 10 to 12 grams in weight will experience a growth spurt until they weigh 25 grams.

After reaching a weight of 25 grams, their growth rate will slow down once again.

Crested geckos continue to grow slowly until they reach reproductive maturity, and then they stop growing.

Average Crested Gecko Growth Rate Chart

1 month2 grams
2 months3 grams
3 months 4 grams
4 months 5 grams
5 months7 grams
6 months9 grams
7 months11 grams
8 months13 grams
9 months17 grams
10 months21 grams
11 months25 grams
12 months29 grams
13 months31 grams
14 months32 grams
15 months33 grams

Let’s now look at a growth rate for a leopard gecko. However, consider that this is also a rough guide, as there is no standard growth rate chart for leopard gecko.

Average Leopard Gecko Growth Rate Chart

Hatchling3-4.5 grams
1 month15-20 grams
2 months 18-30 grams
4-6 months25-60 grams
9-18 months40-80 grams

Leopard geckos are therefore slightly larger which is something to consider if you are a potential new owner.

There is also a wide range of “healthy” weights for a leopard gecko.

Generally speaking, adult leopards should weigh no less than 40 grams, which is considered underweight.

This species reaches adulthood between 9 and 18 months of age. Most adult leopards weigh between 40-80 grams; however, some larger types weigh between 90-110 grams.

Factors That Impact Growth And Size

As previously mentioned, the size and growth rate of a gecko is determined by their health, diet, calorie intake, and certain genetic traits.

Males are often larger than females; in leopard geckos, you can tell the differences in size between the sexes after they are ten months old.

There are things that an owner can do to ensure that their pet gecko stays healthy and grows well.

Consider the following information to help you raise your pet gecko:


The majority of a pet geckos diet should consist of a variety of insects. This is true for all species.

Crickets usually make up the central part of a pet gecko’s diet.

Other bugs like flies, silkworms, fruit flies, etc. can be offered in addition to crickets. It is an excellent idea to gut-load insects 24 hours before feeding them to your gecko.

Insects should be fed live, and geckos possess cone shaped teeth which are ideal for catching such prey.

That being said, there are certain species that can and do well on fruit. These are known as frugivorous species. The most notable are crested and day geckos.

Safe fruits include: berries (raspberries, blueberries), potted fruits (apples, cherries), tropical fruits (pineapples, mangos) and other fruits like grapes.

All fruits should be finely mashed and eat for your gecko to consume. They should also be fed in moderation with insects still being the significant feed of the diet.

Consider that not all geckos can eat fruit. Leopard and African fat tail are some such species.

Consider dusting prey with calcium powder at least twice a week. This will ensure you gecko meets their calcium to phosphorus balance and ratio- which is crucial to their health.

Since geckos are nocturnal, you must feed them at night, as you can ensure that they will be awake.

Feed your pet as much as they can enthusiastically eat.

Young geckos eat every day, while adults eat every other day.

Light And Humidity

Geckos come from a subtropical, humid climate. So you must emulate this in their enclosure.

Maintain a daytime ambient temperature of 75 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit, with nighttime temperatures being 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Heat can be supplied by the use of ceramic heat elements or special reptile bulbs. You should use white heat bulbs in the daytime, and red or purple bulbs at night.

Nocturnal geckos don’t need UVB lighting; however, many experts feel that UV lighting is still advantageous to the general health of nocturnal animals.

Most geckos require moderate to high humidity in their habitat. For a house gecko, aim for 60 to 70 percent relative humidity, this can be measured using a hygrometer.

Regular misting of your reptile regularly is an excellent way to keep your gecko hydrated.


Your gecko will require a substrate that preserves moisture. This will also support the required humidity.

Shredded coconut fiber and shredded bark make excellent substrate materials and promote a humid environment.

Zoo Med Forest Floor Bedding from Amazon is an ideal choice, with many excellent reviews and recommendations by fellow gecko owners.


There are about 1,500 species of gecko that have many things in common except size.

It is hard to provide an exact figure, yet we can expect the average gecko to range from 1.6cms to 24 inches in total length (including the tail). Weight can range from 25-110 grams.

There is no reliable growth rate as such because the size of geckos depends on many factors.

Diet, calorie intake, genetic traits, but also temperature, and humidity play a significant role in their growth and potential.

If you own a pet gecko, it is up to you to learn to care for your specific species correctly and seek veterinary advice as often as is needed.

Make sure that there are no drastic changes to your lizard’s environment, and monitor their temperature and humidity levels.

If you own a common house gecko, their average lifespan is five years, so their living conditions must be suitable to help them live at least that long.

Geckos make ideal pets, as they can be housed in small spaces and are relatively inexpensive as reptiles go.

Many geckos originate from southern Asia but have made their way to many warm parts of the world by hitchhiking on ships.

In temperate countries, you would find these lizards clung to walls and ceilings – they are quite harmless, and many humans are happy to cohabit with these creatures.

In colder countries, you can house many geckos in a 20-gallon terrarium, and maintain a suitable temperature for them.

Ultimately, these make great pets. With a little bit of research behind you and an understanding of the differences between the species, you’ll be in a good position to take care of this reptile for many years to come.

Related Questions

Do Geckos Make Good Pets?

Domesticated geckos are placid, calm, and not overly dangerous, poisonous, or venomous. Due to their smaller size and happiness to be held, they make an ideal family pet. They’re also generally calm when being held. Geckos are rarely aggressive, although they can be if they feel under threat or in danger. It is important to consider their needs and requirements to ensure that they do not feel the need to defend themselves.

How Many Geckos Can Live Together?

This depends but for safety and optimal health, it is recommended to keep one gecko being housed alone. Cohabitation can be stressful and can lead to issues with food, illness, and fighting among the group. One gecko will require a tank of at least 20 gallons. If you decide to keep geckos together, you should ensure that you only have one male as housing multiple will likely result in them fighting over territory. A 40-gallon tank+ is considered the minimum for 2 geckos+ more geckos being housed together.