There are various breeds of rabbits to pick from. Perhaps you like the sound of owning a Lionhead? But how big do these rabbits typically get and what do you need to consider with respect to their size? Here is all you will want to know.
So, how big do Lionhead rabbits get? Lionheads are classed as extra-small rabbits. They tend to only grow up to 8-10 inches long and weigh as little as 3 pounds. Their height is based on how tall their ears get, but this is usually less than 3 inches long. They do appear bigger though because of all that fluffy wool.
These majestic bunnies can look much bigger than they are!
Their manes usually stand at 2 inches long. Hence the name.
All the more to cuddle up with and enjoy petting, I say!
With this information in mind, let us now look into their size and what this all means for ownership, should you continue and decide to get one!
At What Age Is A Lionhead Rabbit Considered Fully Grown?
Lionhead rabbits tend to reach their full size by 6 months of age. They may continue to fill out up to 1 year of age, gaining a little weight slowly up until this time. Nonetheless, there are no set measurements per age range as it’s all dependent on each individual’s growth rate along with the genetics they inherit.
Knowing how long it’ll take for your Lionhead to reach its size maturity is a tricky one to figure out.
That’s because each Lionhead rabbit is unique. They will have their own destined growth rate and trajectory.
As such, there are no set figures on when each rabbit should achieve a milestone.
Luckily, there are some guidelines to make sure your rabbit is growing well.
Nevertheless, a Lionhead rabbit is classed as a baby until they’re 6 months old.
As newborns, they are super cute and only fit into the palm of your hand.
After about 3 weeks, they’ll start to grow as they learn to feed on their own.
From there, they can develop quickly but don’t expect your bunny to be heavier than 2 lbs. and more than 6 inches long during this toddler time.
They’re considered young adults (aka terrible teens) from 6 to 12 months of age.
They’re much more independent and become fully grown during this time.
How quickly they reach their full growth comes down to their growth rate, which relies on several factors.
These majestic bunnies are considered mature after the first-year mark.
They should be fully grown and between 8-10 inches long and 2.5-3.5 lbs.
But as we have suggested; this can vary between rabbits of this breed!
How To Ensure Your Lionhead Rabbit Reaches Their Full-Size Potential
Diet and exercise will be your best friends. Lionhead rabbits are small but very energetic so a good diet along with plenty of playtime is needed to get your floppy friend fighting fit!
Of course, you want to get your furry friend as healthy and big as possible.
You want the best for your pet but you’re not entirely sure what the right thing to do is to achieve that.
Weird fact time! A rabbit’s teeth don’t ever stop growing. They can grow 1/16th of an inch PER WEEK.
Crazy, right? This is one of the reasons your bunny needs to have premium grass hay, so they keep their teeth at a healthy size.
But it also supports their healthy growth. It’s loaded with the vitamins and minerals they need.
Plus, it’s also considerably high in fiber which rabbits simply need for an optimal digestive system and to ensure they obtain the required vitamins from their food.
Along with unlimited access to hay, Lionheads need plenty of water too.
These are the main two elements of their diet.
You can give them some vegetables but that shouldn’t be the only thing they get.
Lionhead rabbits are no different in their dietary needs.
All rabbits are prone to painful dental conditions.
You can help prevent that by making sure that they have at least their body weight in hay, a couple of handfuls of vegetables a day, and a small portion of rabbit pellets.
Now, we all hate being sick, right?
Well, the same goes for your little wooly bunny!
It’s important to have regular check-ups and routinely visit at least several times during the first year.
There are a couple of routine vaccines that you can ask your vet about to help keep your Lionhead healthy against some nasty diseases.
Myxomatosis causes puffy eyelids and swelling all over a rabbit’s body and is usually fatal.
And then there’s Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease that causes fever, anorexia, and exhaustion and quite often is fatal too.
These sound like horrible conditions, so you’ll have a happy rabbit headbutting their thanks for vaccinating them against these vile diseases!
Depending on your vet, you may be able to get these two vaccines in one and you are safe to get your bunny boo vaccinated from 7 weeks old.
If your majestic Lionhead is female and not spayed, a bonus to getting her neutered is to prevent her from getting uterine cancer.
Female rabbits are at high risk for this so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get your little queen spayed from 5 months of age.
Lionheads can quickly become overweight if they don’t have the space and stimulation to burn off their endless energy off.
Having a good-sized space for your bunny and their toys is crucial to offset the potential weight gain to all that grassy goodness!
How Much Space Do Lionhead Rabbits Need?
As much space as you can give them. Their hutch should be able to accommodate two fluffballs so a minimum of 6x2x2 ft is recommended. Even though these rabbits are small, they’re active little bunnies!
If you can, give them as much room as you can and include toys and a playpen area if possible.
Otherwise, they will be at risk of boredom and Lionhead rabbits are particularly susceptible to stress.
Nobody wants a sad rabbit, do they?
Another point on stress to consider is that rabbits (regardless of what breed) don’t do well living alone.
Ideally, they’ll have a bunny friend to play with and spend their infinite energy with.
Try pair your Lionhead with a similarly sized rabbit so your wooly warrior doesn’t feel threatened in their own space.
Where Can I Keep My Lionhead Rabbit?
You can keep them indoors or outdoors. As long as you can keep them safe and the local weather conditions allow it! Keep them out of sight of predators and high winds. And make sure to check on them regularly wherever they’re kept.
Rabbits enjoy cooler temperatures and Lionheads can tolerate slightly cool temperatures because of their thick fur.
If you want to keep them indoors, make sure to check that the room temperature is between 55-70°F.
Keep your bunny’s home in the coolest part of the house if it’s insulated very well so your bunny doesn’t overheat.
You can keep your Lionhead outside, depending on how severe weather conditions can get.
Sometimes this may be your only option to give them the space they need.
If you do, make sure it’s tucked into a spot that is out of prevailing winds and protected from sun and rain.
Ensure that the hutch is raised above the ground otherwise, your bunny’s floor will get wet and could lead to pododermatitis (foot sores). Owie!
Then there are other means of heating an outdoor hutch to consider too.
If you decide to switch locations for your bunny, make sure to do it incredibly slow and gradual.
Build up the change as slow as you can (few hours at a time in their new surroundings should be a good start).
Too quick of a change will stress out your rabbit and we don’t want that!
Lionhead Rabbits are small cuties despite what their name suggests!
Their small frames come from their presumed ancestral parents.
Lionheads are thought to be a mix of two breeds: the miniature Swiss Fox (not actually a fox!) and a Netherlands Dwarf.
Nevertheless, they do need a bit more care than other rabbits and a bit more space to run around than you initially might have thought.
So ensure you can afford enough space for their hutch, whether that is going to be indoors or outdoors.
Are you still researching for a rabbit breed? Wondering what their respective sizes are? My following guide will be of help:
I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.