The Pomapoo may look cute and fluffy, but how big does this breed actually get? Knowing the importance that size can get when choosing a dog, I spent some time researching this adorable designer breed. I’ll be sharing with you all the information regarding their proportions here with you today.
So, how big do Pomapoos get? The Pomapoo is classified as a small breed, averaging between 8-10 inches in height, and weighing between 8-15 pounds at full adult size. It generally takes 1 year for a Pomapoo pup to reach its final size.
As the Pomapoo is a comparatively new breed, there are not really any definitive standards when it comes to their size.
However, we do have some data from several generations that have already been bred. Besides, the first Pomapoo is rumored to date all the way back to 1888 and Queen Victoria.
Equally, as with any dog breed; you only have to look at the parents.
The Pomapoo is a mix of both a Pomeranian and a Toy Poodle. Being small dogs themselves can only really mean that the Pomapoo is small in size themselves.
Nevertheless, the Pomapoo is an intelligent and affectionate dog whose presence will make a great addition to your home.
Just remember, they also go by the names of Pompoo, Pomerdoodle, or if you like Pomeranian.
Either way, they are the same and always the result of the Toy Poodle and Pomeranian.
And irrespective of what you chose to call them, they are a lovely breed; great for apartments, novice owners, and young families.
Let us now take a closer look at the average size of this designer breed. We will be looking at their growth rates and when they reach adulthood; both in terms of size and mental maturity.
Lastly, we will be looking at what this breed looks like and their typical personality.
So, be sure to read right to the end if you are serious about this dog, and want some important information that will help assist you in your decision-making process
At What Age Is A Pomapoo Full Grown?
A full-grown adult Pomapoo has a height of around 8-10 inches tall, weighing between 8 and 15 pounds. They reach this full adult size once they become a year old.
The ultimate size of the Pomapoo is dependent on the gene of both dogs used to produce the cross.
However, if for some reason, the Pomapoo adult weighs below 7 pounds, it is considered to be a Teacup.
Under normal circumstances, a Pomapoo will reach the height and weight of the parents.
This is why it is often recommended to look at the parental dogs when you are choosing your pup.
That being said, in some rare circumstances, you could very well have a very large Pomapoo whose Toy Poodle parent is taller than the normal size for his breed.
Let us now take a closer look at the respective growth timeline for the average dog of this breed.
Growth Rate Of A Pomapoo
Age | Weight |
8 weeks old | 0.5 – 1lb |
3 months old | 1.5 – 1lb |
6 months old | 2 – 3lb |
12 months old | 6 – 9lb |
While these are estimates based on their frame, as with any dog they have the ability to put on too much weight.
It goes without saying that a Pomapoos weight are largely dependent on two factors which are;
- Healthy diet
- Enough Exercise
So, you must ensure that you are feeding and exercising your Pomapoo the right amount; in relation to their age.
One other thing to consider is that a Pomapoo pup will become sexually mature between 6 months to 1 year of age.
How you approach this will ultimately depend on how you want to look after and raise your dog. But speaking with a vet about your options is advised.
When Do Pomapoo Mentally Mature?
It takes a typical Pomapoo puppy between 12 to 14 months to fully mentally mature.
It is at this time when you can expect them to give up some of their puppy behaviors and start acting like a more civilized adult dog.
Of course each dog is different and there are a number of factors that influence this timeline. But it is the average for this breed and when they are most receptive to training!
Before then, its all fun and games.
Thankfully, this breed is known for their intelligence and being relatively easy to train.
They are typically quick learners and keen to please their owners.
Nevertheless, it comes advised to begin training as early as possible (around the 6-7 week mark) to establish good behavior.
Otherwise, it can be a challenge to overcome any bad behavior that begins to set in.
When training, it comes advised to use positive reinforcement techniques and be firm but loving in your approach.
Here is a table that illustrates the developmental milestones of a typical Pomapoo pup.
Dog Age Range | Development Milestone |
2 weeks old | Ears and eyes open, and a puppy will begin walking |
6 to 7 weeks | Can depart mother’s care, be house trained, consume solid food, begin socialization process and obedience training. |
10 to 11 weeks | Can start exercising, de-worming and vaccinations are required. |
5 months | Adolescent period begins, characterized by fear, increased independence, hyperactivity, and disobedience. Adult coat starts developing. |
7 to 8 months | Can be given adult food, ready for intercourse, can start an adult exercise program. |
14 months and above | Full-grown adult |
Factors That Influence The Size And Growth Rate Of A Pomapoo
It is paramount to state that not all Pomapoo pups will reach the average size. Some unfortunately are not even able to reach their full potential.
Let’s take a look at some of the factors that will influence the size and growth of this breed.
Injuries and Health Challenges
Some Pomapoos may inherit underlying medical issues from their parents. Thankfully, this is the exception rather than the norm.
Both Pomeranians and Toy Poodles are generally healthy dogs; although it is important to be aware of the potential nonetheless.
According to the American Kernel Club (AKC), there are some health conditions that a Pomapoo pup can inherit from their parents and they include the following;
- Collapsing tracheas
- Luxating patellas
- Hypothyroidism
- Hypoglycemia
All of which can cause growth issues; albeit in slightly different ways.
Sometimes there are things you can do to help ensure these ailments do not progress or develop further; although it must be said this is not always the case.
Hypothyroidism for example, can be managed with the support of your vet but it is unlikely entirely reversible.
For structural health issues, like collapsing trachea, this usually happens in smaller Pomapoos.
There are also some practical ways to help reduce the chances of this from occurring, such as refraining from using a collar and instead using a leash.
Nevertheless, it is imperative that you or a vet screen your dog soon after you bring them home. Ensure they have that initial exam.
Also, it comes strongly advised to purchase your dog from a reputable and trustworthy breeder.
They should be complying with all the safe breeding practices and ethics; such as only breeding from a lineage of healthy dogs.
The genetic makeup of your Pomapoo will naturally impact their size; starting with the parental dogs used in breeding.
You should always look at the Pomeranian and Toy Poodle parents; some of which may be smaller or larger than their breed standard. Either way, it will likely have an impact on the size of each dog of the resulting litter.
One other thing to consider is the lineage of dogs too.
Size can be impacted from dogs up to 5 generations back.
So, its always a good idea to enquire and ask questions with any prospective breeder. They should be able to give you more accurate information on what to expect.
You are what you eat and the same can be said for dogs.
A well-fed dog will have all of the raw materials they need to be grow muscle, new body tissue and strong bones.
Whereas an under fed or undernourished dog will not have all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they need to do, resulting into a higher chance of stunted growth or weak bones likely to fracture. Besides, they will lack in spirit and energy too.
At the same time, you should ensure that you do not overfeed your dog either. Gaining too much weight will place a lot of additional pressure on their skeletal system, bones and joints.
High-quality nutrition is a must, with appropriate treats being fed accordingly and timed around training.
Ensuring you feed a your dog in accordance with their size, weight and age is a must.
Be sure to look at all food packaging and consult with your vet for specific amounts.
That being said, there are rough guidelines we will set out below.
How Much Food Should A Pomapoo Eat?
The quantity of food you should serve your Pomapoo will vary by dog and several factors.
That being said, the general guidelines to follow are:
Weight Of Pomapoo | Food Measurement |
1 pound (Puppy) | ½ cup of food |
3 pounds | 1 cup of food |
5 pounds | 1.25 cups of food |
6 pounds | 2 cups of food |
The type of food you offer your Pomapoo should also be high protein, low in sugars, cheap grains and other potentially harmful additives and fillers.
Man-made or processed foods should not be fed.
Pomapoos require an appropriate level of exercise at each phase of life.
This will ensure they maintain a healthy weight and do enough to support stronger bones and strength in their muscles.
However, it is important to note that this specific breed does not require the same as a larger, working dog would require.
Instead, you should take your Pomapoo on a 20/30 minute walk each day, along with some time to play too.
Here are some exercise ideas you could try with your Pomapoo.
- Fetch: You can use their favorite toy to play fetch, and enjoy the experience and time together,
- Short Walks: You can go for two shorter 10 minutes walks, twice per day and preferably in the morning and evening.
- Blowing Bubbles: You could blow some bubbles in the air while your dog jumps up and tries to burst them.
- Visit to the Park: You can take your dog to a social environment, such as nearby park. They will be able to meet other dogs and become more confident and familiar with them and in other dogs’ company. However, make sure that they are wearing a harness, you monitor how they respond with other dogs and they have had all their required vaccinations and jabs!
- Hide and seek: You can hide and allow your Pomapoo to find you. If they do find you, you can give them a treat.
Here are some important things you need to consider before exercising your Pomapoo.
Puppies that are 7 months old or below should not partake in any activity that requires jumping or running.
You should also prevent them from running up and down stairs so they they do not injure their fragile bones and joints that are still growing.
In time, they will be able to do this but you need to be careful before they reach their full adult height and size.
It is also a good idea to exercise with your dog, and never let them wander off and do so on their own accord.
Dogs like Pomapoos do best on a harness, because they are naturally curious and love to run off to make friends should the opportunity present itself!
Sometimes they can be hard to get back, especially if they have not yet been trained commands.
Along similar lines, due to their size, they can easily get injured by larger dogs. You want to protect them from any potential, even if it is accidental, danger
Like humans, your Pomapoo needs adequate sleep to rest, repair broken tissues, and aid in the overall growth processes.
You need to make sure they are getting enough sleep.
Younger puppies tend and need to sleep more, so make sure their sleep isn’t interrupted by car alarms or other loud noises.
Furthermore, you have to provide a safe, comfortable, and clean sleeping environment for your dog to ensure they sleep safe and sound.
What Does A Full Grown Pomapoo Look Like?
A typical Pomapoo is small in size, will have a narrow muzzled face with tiny ears that stand up straight. They have a short to medium length fluffy coat.
Pomapoos are commonly found in brown, white, black, fawn sable, and red colors.
They have been compared with teddy bears due to their size and coats.
Although, this breed can look quite different depending on the traits inherited from the parents.
Personality Of A Typical Pomapoo
According to a lot of Pomapoo owners and handlers, the Pomapoo is a friendly laid-back dog with loving and affectionate nature.
They are very intelligent and many have described them to be small dogs with big personalities.
They are generally not shy or aggressive, either with their families or with strangers.
Make sure you take them out to socialize very early in life so they can meet new people, other dogs, and experience new surroundings.
This will make them a better rounded dog, and ensure that when they do encounter these things they are able to behave well.
A Pomapoo can do well in a large family with kids, however, they are known to get close to specific family members, which is why they do best with one primary caregiver.
They are very loyal and if cared and taken care of, will soon love their owners unconditionally.
The Bottom Line
The Pomapoo is a lovely breed of dog; suitable for a range of different owners. Whether you are a young family or of retirement age, this is a breed to definitely consider.
They have a truly amazing temperament and are relatively entertaining given their small size.
Do consider that this is not a big dog. You do need to be particularly careful when they are young. Its very easy to accidentally knock or sit down on them and this can be quite dangerous.
Nevertheless, one of the best things with a mixed hybrid, is that they have been specifically bred to possess those favorable qualities of the parental breeds.
For the Pomapoo, this means that they are hypoallergenic and not known for shedding, thanks to the poodle in them, and they are friendly and intelligent just like the Pomeranian.
If you do decide on this dog breed; then consider that they live on average for 12-14 years; so you will need to accommodate and be in a position to financially support them during this time.
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I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.