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How Big Do Siamese Cats Get? [Average Height, Weight & Size]

The Siamese cat is one of the most unique and distinct in terms of appearance. They are easily recognizable; with their striking blue eyes and light-colored coats. But how big does this particular breed get and at what age can you expect them to reach their full adult size? I spent some time researching this cat of Asian descent, looking at the reports of various different owners. Below, you’ll be able to find out all you will need to know regarding their size.

So, how big do Siamese cats get? Siamese cats typically reach between 8″ and 12″ (20-31cm) in height, weighing between 8 and 14 pounds at full adult size. They typically take 2 years to reach their final size and males are normally slightly larger than their female counterparts. In terms of their shape, Siamese cats are renowned for being long and lean. This is primarily due to the fact that they have a sleek coat which gives them a somewhat skinny appearance.

Siamese Cat Size

Like many animals, there are a number of factors that go into their final size.

While some are defiantly out of an owner’s control, others are a matter of being a responsible owner and ensuring that their needs are appropriately met.

In doing so, you will find the Siamese to be a great member of the family.

They are widely acknowledged for their affectionate nature while being incredibly intelligent and willing to play.

Let us now take a closer look at the average size of the Siamese in further detail. We will be looking closely at those factors that can influence their size too.

So, if you are contemplating this specific cat breed, be sure to keep reading to know exactly what to expect, should you proceed with bringing one home!

What Is The Average Height Of A Siamese Cat?

The average height of a Siamese cat falls somewhere between 20 and 31cm (8 to 12 inches) tall.

Males are typically a little larger than females, so you can expect them to be towards the top of this range, with the females hovering more around the lower end.

More specifically, males typically reach around 29-31 cm tall range, whereas females come up slightly shorter at 27-31 cm.

This measurement refers to their paws to their shoulders when they are standing on all fours.

For the Siamese cat, they are a bit longer than they are tall.

If you measure them horizontally from the tip of their nose to their butt, they are somewhere around 25 to 36cm long. This measurement does not include their long and slender tails.  

With all this being said, beyond just the sex of the cat, there are lots of individual differences to keep in mind for their size too. We will explore these in further detail shortly.

What Is The Average Weight Of A Siamese Cat?

A full-grown Siamese cat is likely to weigh between 4 and 6 kilograms (about 8 to 14lbs).

Again, males are also expected to weigh a bit more than females.

For males, you can expect them to weigh between the 11-14 pound mark, with females around the 8-12.

While it’s normal for cats to fall out of these averages, being significantly overweight or underweight is not ideal.

This is why diet is so important for cats, which should be tailored for their specific age and weight.

You also need to think about their weight in the context of their sex.

For example, a 14-pound female would be considered overweight but a healthy weight for a male.

Equally, an 8-pound male would be considered underweight but at a healthy weight for a female.

It’s all about context.

Nevertheless, regular weigh-ins and talking with your vet regularly can help to ensure your cat is fed appropriately, and that they remain at a good weight for their own specific circumstances.

When Do Siamese Cats Stop Growing?

A Siamese cat will generally stop growing around the time that they are two years old.

This is essentially when they are no longer considered “kittens”. At this time, they will be around the size that they should remain for the rest of their life; at least in terms of height and length.

While they may continue to mature (and you may notice changes in their fur color) over time, they generally do not keep growing.

Most animals follow a similar pattern where they experience a vast amount of their physical maturation in the first portion of their life. Cats, and the Siamese, are no exception to this rule.  

Of course, this is going to be a drastic change from the little kitten that you took home. They’ll also grow up quickly, and you will notice quite a big change relatively quickly.

You also may notice that an older cat is more likely to keep on any extra weight if they eat beyond their means.

Much like humans, where we leave our ‘growth’ and “eat whatever we want” phase; cats develop in much the same way.

A cat’s metabolism will likely slow down a bit as they get older too.

But this does not mean that your cat will automatically know how to maintain a healthy weight.

Even if they have no need for the additional calories, they can easily overeat if allowed to.

In order for your cat to stay healthy and strong, you need to make sure that they eat a healthy, high-quality diet, and keep up the activity too!

We’ll go into the importance of giving your cat the right food a little later.

Diet and movement are perhaps two of the most important aspects that you can influence as an owner; both of which play a significant role in helping them to reach their 10-15 years life expectancy.

Are Siamese Cats Usually Skinny?

Compared to many other cat breeds, Siamese cats will appear a little skinnier. But do they typically carry less weight?

Interestingly, this is not the case.

Siamese cats do not have dense, fluffy fur. This naturally adds size to a cat’s appearance, as you will often see with other breeds like the Persian or Ragdoll.

Instead, Siamese cats have an exposed physique which gives them the appearance of being smaller. In fact, they are actually the same size as many other cat breeds!

Tabby cats as an example average between 8-12 pounds too!

Nevertheless, this does not mean that a Siamese cannot be underweight. They can, and it is even more worrying as it is more easily seen.

An underweight and boney cat is more than likely suffering from ill health or even malnourishment.

There is a big difference between being “slender” and “emaciated”.

If you ever have any questions or concerns about your cat, it’s a good idea to reach out to your vet and make an appointment.

They will be able to examine and monitor your cat, ensuring that they are healthy and not suffering from any underlying conditions.

What Factors Impact The Size Of A Siamese Cat?

Not all Siamese cats will end up the same size. This is why we have an average and a range, but it is not all too uncommon for cats to fall outside of this too.

You shouldn’t be alarmed if your Siamese cat does not fit within the standard; so long as they are healthy.

There are many different explanations as to why a Siamese cat may be smaller or larger than anticipated.

Let us now take a closer look at the most common ones:

Sex Differences

As stated earlier, male and female Siamese cats tend to be slightly different sizes. Generally, male cats are larger than female cats.

This is due to hormonal differences and nothing to be concerned about.

You also should not be too concerned if you have a female bigger than a male, so long as they are inappropriate proportions.

For example, a taller and longer cat can afford to be somewhat heavier than one of a smaller frame.


Even two cats from the same little can look and act entirely different. This is due to genetics.

There are individual differences to be expected from every litter.

Just as you would not expect siblings to all be exactly the same size and height – the same is true for cats.

Even when raised in perfect, identical environments, some cats will always be a little bigger (or smaller) than others.

Genes are not something you can influence, but severe differences may be due to birth defects.


A factor within an owner’s control that can impact the size of their cat is the quality of their diet.

Cats need a lot of protein, and it’s important that they are fed in accordance with their age and size.

Their first two years are a significant stage of life, and it’s crucial to make sure they receive the appropriate nutrition to reach their full-size potential.

For this reason, there are often different food options that have been designed for cats at different ages.

When searching for cat food, be sure to check the packaging, talk to informed staff and even contact your vet for advice.

Kittens should start off on a different food to adults, and be transitioned at the right time accordingly.

Remember, quantity is also a factor to consider.

You need to make sure your cat is eating the right amount, also in relation to their age and size.

Too little, and your cat will struggle to put on enough and sufficient weight.

Too much, and your cat can become overweight – where extra pressure is placed on their joints which can lead to other issues.

While cats are often somewhat better at regulating their hunger and need to eat than dogs, cats can overeat and some do so more than others.

While chubbier cats may be cute, it’s not fair to raise an obese cat and they are likely to experience major health problems and issues.

Along with being disheartening to see, it will likely cost you in additional vet bills too! It can be mostly avoided.

You should also monitor your cat’s food intake, especially if you have other pets in the house. It may be hard to gauge how much your cat is actually eating, even if it all goes when it has been put down.

Keeping your cat’s bowl free from the competition (or supervising feedings) can be a great way to monitor your cats feeding habits and help regulate their needs.


Certain health conditions or diseases can also cause a cat to gain weight.

If you notice your cat experiencing any sudden weight, either losing quickly or suddenly putting on, consult with a vet immediately.

This is especially crucial if you notice other signs, symptoms, or behaviors that may indicate a health problem.

Things such as running eyes, coughing, or lumps and bumps are all reasons to call a vet.

They may even become more vocal or needy; disinterested or lethargic.

Usually, a quick trip to the vet and a little bit of treatment can be enough to restore your Siamese cat back to its best (where they can better regulate their weight).


Even if there is no apparent disease, stress is enough to impact a cat’s desire to eat or the ability to put on weight.

Much like a human who is stressed and turns to food, cats can feel uncomfortable and uneasy and do the same thing.

Common things that stress out a cat are sudden moves, loud noises, or rowdy children/ pets.

Consider optimizing your cat’s environment and making their life somewhat more comfortable. You may find their interest in food changes accordingly.


A cat’s lifestyle will also impact a cat’s physique. While it may not be considered ‘exercise’ movement is still very important for cats. They need to remain active.

If a cat decides to laze around all day every day, it will likely put on weight.

Likewise, if your cat is very active and energetic, they are likely to remain more agile.

You can encourage your cat to play in order to increase their exercise. This is especially important if you are raising a house cat and do not let them out.


Finally, there is the chance that your cat is not a “full-bred” Siamese.

When different breeds have kittens together, it will impact their final size. It is also sometimes challenging if not impossible to predict how the kittens will end up.

Let’s say you cross a Siamese and a large Main Coon; you could have a kitten that varies quite dramatically depending on the genes they inherit.

They could be very furry, or more slender; shorter, heavier and so on.

Nevertheless, you are most likely to end up with a different combination; cats with features from both parental breeds.

Any cross-breed is unlikely to meet the average and the standard for either pure breed.

If this is the case, it is generally nothing to worry about. It all comes down to genetics, and every cat is an individual.


Siamese cats are classified as medium-sized, but if there is one word that epitomizes their physique then it is – long.

They have a long body, long neck, long legs, and a long tail. They appear somewhat slender due to their sleek coat, but they do carry a fair amount of muscle too.

Nevertheless, the Siamese cat is no bigger than your other typical breed of cat.

And at 8-12″ in height, 8 and 14 pounds in weight – this is not a pet that is going to take up or require a lot of space.

As with keeping any cat, just ensure they have sufficient room to roam around and climb. Cats require both vertical and horizontal space and it’s not fair to keep them too contained.

If you can meet this need, then the Siamese cat could very well be for you.

In terms of their personality, these are a brilliant breed to own.

Owners often report how loving and affectionate they are, while also being very loyal, intelligent, playful, and curious.

So if you were considering this particular breed before you landed here today, you’ll be pleased to learn that their size should not make you think otherwise!

Related Questions

Can Siamese Cats Get Fat?

Siamese cats can get fat. In fact, this particular breed is prone to obesity. Even a relatively small amount of overfeeding can result in weight gain. For this reason, you should ensure your cat is being fed a high-quality diet, on a regular and routine schedule. Free feeding is not advised and movement via access to the outside or through play should be emphasized.

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