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Do English Mastiffs Shed? [What To Expect From This Breed]

If you are wondering whether an English mastiff is for you and your family or not, you must take into consideration the traits associated with this particular breed. But what about shedding? Do English Mastiffs shed and if so how much?

So, do English Mastiffs Shed? English Mastiffs shed and they do so all year round. Shedding picks up in the fall and the summer during the changes in season. English Mastiffs are not hypoallergenic; so they are not the dog breed for you if you suffer from allergies. You must also consider their large size regarding shedding in that there are more of them to shed than other breeds.

It’s a well-known fact that many dogs shed, but it doesn’t have to consume your life and ruin your home.

English Mastiffs are fantastic dogs and can be a great choice for your family despite the shedding.

They are generally short-haired dogs, and their coats are relatively low-maintenance compared to other breeds.

Besides, there are always things you can do to be proactive in keeping your home clean, and your dog healthy.

Let us now explore the shedding question further so you know exactly what to expect with this larger breed of dog.

English Mastiffs And Shedding

You may be surprised to learn that English Mastiffs do not shed as puppies. Therefore, if you were to adopt one, this is something that you would then soon learn in time.

This dog breed will usually discard their puppy coats by the time they are four or five months old. As they mature, it is then that they become shedders and that you need to then take this into account.

Its also important to note that the way one English mastiff sheds, may differ from another.

It’s therefore hard to give a uniform number or provide accurate expectations for this breed.

Some Mastiffs shed moderately, while others shed continuously in high volume, some shed only seasonally.

If your dog is a seasonal shedder, this is something you must contend with twice a year.

Make sure that you feed your dog a healthy diet every day, containing essential fatty oils. Healthy fats and oils promote a healthy coat.

Make sure that you brush your dog’s coat regularly using high-quality grooming supplies; this is the optimum way to keep the mastiffs shedding under control.

If you do not stay on top of it, it will come out naturally, and will likely be found in various places throughout your home.

English Mastiff

How Bad Do English Mastiffs Shed?

Mastiffs are considered a moderate-to-heavy shedding breed. While they shed an average amount throughout the year, they do go through heavier periods of shedding 2x per year during the change of seasons.

To fully grasp how bad they shed, we must consider the coat of an English mastiff.

Did you know that mastiffs are among the oldest dog breeds? In fact, their ancestors date back 5,000 years.

They were initially bred to live in cold weather, so they developed a thick to withstand the cold. 

In all that time, their fur has always been short to medium in length.

The positive side of owning a shorter-haired dog is that they dry very quickly after a swim, a bath, or when they generally get wet.

It also means much less manual drying and a lower likelihood of damp doggy coat smells.

Unfortunately, mastiffs are known to shed a lot.

This has a lot to do with their general size as opposed to the type of fur that they have. In other words, because these dogs are so big, there is much more of their fur to shed.

In fact, English mastiffs shed only moderately; but they are known to shed all year round.

It’s notoriously worse in the fall and summertime. This is when their winter coat is being shed in preparation for a lighter summer coat and as the weather changes.

The way mastiff shedding works is a process that we routinely see in nature.

Each hair strand grows to a certain length before it reaches a maximal point. Like leaves that fall in the autumn, so too does their hair which also falls.

Brushing their fur is of the utmost importance, as the level of shedding relates to the frequency that you brush them.

Brush your dog more often, and the less they are likely to shed.

Grooming For An English Mastiff

English mastiffs have short coats, and as a result, they don’t require as much maintenance as other breeds like German Shepherds.

Thankfully, their fur does not get matted or tangled like the coats of other breeds, especially Poodles and hybrid cross-breeds like Cockapoos.

Regardless of their easy to keep hair, brushing is crucial.

You must brush your dog’s coat at least once a week, but doing so once per day is going to be beneficial.

It will keep your dog’s fur looking healthy and shiny. It also promotes the movement of natural oils that a dog produces which work to protect the coat.

In regards to bathing, it is a good idea to bathe your dog once every 4 to 6 weeks, depending on their activity level.

If your dog was to get wet, damp, or muddy, then a bath is also recommended. This will help to eliminate foul-smelling odors.

When you bathe your dog, you need to ensure that you do so in lukewarm water. You do not want to burn and scold them, nor do you want to stress them with water that is too cold.

Equally, you need to use a specific, dog-friendly shampoo (like this excellent, cost-effective brand on Amazon).

This will be free from nasty chemicals (often found in products used by humans) which can irritate and harm a dog’s skin and cause itching, scratching, and bleeding.

Let’s consider the best grooming methods to keep your English mastiff’s shedding under control:

Brushing Your English Mastiff

  • Brushing your dog’s coat often will help to remove dirt and debris, it will also keep it looking smooth.
  • It is best practice to you use a dog brush specifically designed for dogs with shorter hair. Ideal brushes for short-haired dogs include rubber and bristle brushes. The Furminator Curry Comb from Amazon is a personal favorite. Do not use undercoat rakes and slicker brushes; they are not designed for short-haired dogs and can cause pain and damage to their skin. Shedding Grooming Gloves (like these ones on Amazon) are ideal for grooming your English mastiff. They’ll enjoy the process of being petted at the same time.
  • Brush in circular motions to work deep into the undercoat.

Bathing Your English Mastiff

  • Bathing also works wonders for treating your dog’s shedding. When you bathe your dog, always use warm water; this will help to loosen up all of your dog’s fur.
  • Use a gentle and all-natural dog shampoo along with a conditioner throughout the bathing process.
  • Brush your dog’s coat after his bath, it will feel like a massage, and it will de-stress them.

Other Grooming Considerations

If you are looking for a beneficial and specialized de-shedding product, many English mastiff owners swear by being an undercoat de-shedding tool (again the Furminator brand has an excellent product on Amazon).

This tool, as if by magic, will get to work removing fur from the undercoat while getting past the topcoat. It works at a deeper level.

Many dog owners incorporate oils to diminish mastiff shedding.

Salmon oil rich in Omega 3 is an ideal supplement to add to your dog’s diet.

All you need to do is add a few pumps into your dog’s feed and bowl. It’s so easy.


English Mastiffs do shed, just like many other breeds of dog. Thankfully, they have short, easy-to-manage coats that dry reasonably rapidly after coming into contact with water.

Grooming will always be a natural part of dog ownership.

With English Mastiffs, there is generally little to worry about so long as you get the appropriate tools and commit to caring for their grooming needs regularly.

While they may not be ideal candidates for allergy sufferers, if you are able and willing to take one into your home, you won’t regret it.

English mastiffs are loving, loyal, and friendly once they have been socialized.

Other positive characteristics include the fact that they are quiet once they mature. They are polite to a fault; they love constant companionship.

They don’t require a great deal of exercise, and they are very calm.

Of course, this breed is not immune to having some negative characteristics. These include being notoriously gassy and drooly. While they are polite, they are large and can be fearful.

One sad fact about this canine breed is that they are more susceptible to bone cancer from an early age and their average lifespan is much shorter than other breeds.

Because their time with you is short, you must make the most of your time with your English mastiff.

Ultimately, if you can look past the shedding, drooling, and occasional flatulence, the English Mastiff makes a loving, loyal pet, and one that you should definitely consider for you and your family.

Wondering what other dog breeds shed? Then my following guides may be of interest: