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Do Poodles Bark A Lot? [What Potential Owners Should Know]

If you are looking at the poodle breed, you may be wondering if they are known to bark a lot. Do they do so often and is this in their nature? Requiring such information, I decided to do some research into the poodle breed and their inclinations towards this behavior. I’d like to share what I have been able to find with you here today.

So, do poodles bark a lot? Poodles are known to bark a lot, although generally do so for a reason and in response to something happening in their environment. Triggers that can increase barking include: being left alone, excitement, boredom, people walking by, wanting to play among others.

All dogs bark. Some more than others.

But this is the way of things with a dog – it is how they communicate of course.

Quite rightly, barking is a significant factor when it comes to getting a dog – particularly the breed.

Nobody wants an incessantly noisy family dog and understandably it’s a deal-breaker for most people.

Poodles are not perfect; this is true of any pet, luckily they are very intelligent and easy to train. Poodles will always bark for a reason; this should be a relief to most potential poodle owners.

Let’s now take a closer look at the barking behaviors of poodles and some practical ways that an owner can look to reduce or limit it altogether.

How Often Do Poodles Bark?

Poodles are considered moderate barkers – meaning that there are other breeds that bark more and less.

Poodles come in three different sizes, standard poodles, miniature poodles, and toy poodles.

Most people think that the smaller the dog, the more vocal the dog and would assume that the toy and miniature poodle would bark more than the standard poodle; that is not the case with this breed.

Although the size difference of each dog, each type of poodle has the same inclination to bark.

If you browse any of the forums online, many poodle owners will tell you that their poodle barks a lot. These dogs can be very vocal.

As previously mentioned, there are specific triggers that compel poodles to bark. These triggers include:

  • Being left alone for more than a few hours,
  • Excitement,
  • Boredom,
  • Visitors coming into the house,
  • People walking by,
  • Protecting you and themselves from perceived potential harm,
  • In response to loud noises.

Looking at these triggers, it is understandable why they would make poodles bark.

Poodles are known for their sensitivity; each bark is a reaction to any one of these triggers.

How Do I Get My Poodle To Stop Barking?

To stop your poodle from barking excessively, you must understand what makes them bark, to begin with. Only then can you identify the solution in which is most appropriate.

Let’s look at some of the triggers as mentioned above, describe why they would make your poodle bark, and what you can do to reduce the response to the trigger.

Or attempt to eradicate this form of barking entirely.

Being Left Alone


Poodles experience separation anxiety, and if they are left alone for too long, it is common for a poodle to begin barking. It is a poodle’s way of calling out to his owner.


Before you leave the house, play some calming music on in the background. Leave a light on, and place your poodle by a window as a distraction.

Also be sure to return home within a reasonable amount of time after leaving. Never leave your dog for more than 4 hours unattended.

You can always arrange for a neighbor, friend or perhaps even a dog walker to swing by and give them some attention, let them out to play etc.



Poodles are excitable dogs. When they see their owners; they often begin to bark with excitement.


This may sound hard to do, but when you come in the door, ignore your poodle’s barks. Do not feed their need for your attention, or they will never stop barking.

You’ll also want to be sure to praise them when they quieten and stop barking altogether. This is when you should make a fuss of them. Giving them a treat during this time works particularly well.



Every dog needs mental stimulation and activity throughout their day.

Poodles need a way to expend their energy, or they will begin to bark out of boredom.


The solution to boredom is simple – give your dog a toy or several toys to keep them occupied.

The best toys mentally stimulate your dog, and keep their brain occupied. These dogs will often require your dog to think.

Toys that are also treat dispensers also give a dog a motive and reason to play with the toy altogether. This is perhaps the best toy to get from Amazon for reducing boredom.

If you are around, its also good to play with your dog. You can begin by playing fetch, etc.

Visitors Coming To The House


Poodles can be very uncomfortable with people they are not used to. Equally, they do not like it when other people come into their space.


Socialization is what your poodle needs to overcome their fear of unfamiliar people. Its more anxiety-based, than aggressive in nature.

Make sure to praise your dog when they behave well, such as not barking, in the company of others.

Socialization from a young age, and introducing your dog to new people during their puppy years are advised here.

You may find that to begin with your dog struggles around new people – but in time as their confidence builds, it becomes easier and they are less inclined to bark.

People Walking By


When your poodle barks at people walking by your home, your poodle may bark. To them, it is their way of warning you of possible danger and alerting you to the fact that you have a visitor.


Again, socialization is the solution to this issue. You should gradually get your poodle used to people walking by and expose this to them from a young age.

Sometimes, this barking is more from excitement and the opportunity to see and greet new people.

Protecting You And Themselves From Perceived Potential Harm


Poodles are very protective of their owners and will bark as a way to protect you. These dogs will also bark if they feel that their territory has been invaded.


You must show your poodle that there is no danger and give lots of assurance. Make sure your poodle has their own space, where they can retreat from others.

A crate/cage can work well here (if appropriately sized), or a designated room in your home.

Do not approach your dog when they are eating. Like any animal, they can become very defensive as a means to protect their supply of food.

Loud Noises


Poodles are susceptible to loud noises and flashes. Because of this, very loud or specific types of music and thunderstorms can frighten your poodle.


Gradually expose your poodle to loud noises. One idea is to play thunderstorm recordings softly at first and slowly turning up the volume.

As you can see, the above triggers make your poodles barking perfectly reasonable. Its good to know that the solutions are relatively straightforward.

These dogs are very intelligent, making it easy to train out and stop your poodle from barking – at least excessively.

Training your poodle not to bark takes consistent effort on your part, but you will reap the rewards in the end.

There are also some other methods that people will use when training a poodle not to bark that you should be aware of.

Some individuals follow the “speak” command. Every time your poodle barks give them the “speak” command followed by a treat. When you give the command, your poodle will bark every time.

After the “speak” command, you can teach your poodle the “quiet” command. You give the “quiet” command after the speak command. When your poodle stops barking, offer them a treat.

They will soon begin to recognize the words, patters and understand the concept. This method can be very useful when taught and applied. This is especially true if you encounter an issue that you are unfamiliar with, or you are out on a walk and want to stop such behavior promptly.


We now know that poodles are moderate barkers, that will only bark for a reason. Certain factors cause poodles to bark, but the solution to each factor is very straightforward.

Learning to recognize the main causes and solutions is perhaps the best thing that you can do. It enables you to understand your dog on a deeper level, and enables you to control their behavior more effectively.

Never underestimate the power of treats, appropriate attention and their intelligence!

Dogs need to express themselves, but only in an appropriate way. It can be hard to live with a dog that barks excessively.

It is reassuring for a potential poodle owner to know that poodles can be trained to bark when and where it is appropriate to do so.

Lastly, remember to train and teach your dog from a young age. This will make the process considerably easier and will prevent issues down the line when they naturally will become more stubborn and set in their ways.

Ultimately, poodles do have a natural tendency to bark. It is preventable and can be reduced, by following some of the strategies presented to you here today.