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How Big Do German Shorthaired Pointers Get? [Size Guide]

If you are contemplating the German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) breed, you will naturally want to know how big they get. Besides, size is something any new prospective owner may want to and really should consider. But what is the average size of a German Shorthaired Pointer? At what age are they fully grown? Here’s a handy guide that will help set your expectations and enable you to fully plan and prepare ahead and in advance.

So, how big do German Shorthaired Pointers dogs get? Male German Shorthaired Pointers typically reach between 23 to 25 inches in height and a weight of 55 to 70 pounds. Fully-grown females are slightly smaller, reaching 21 to 23 inches in height (measuring from the shoulder) and weighing 45 to 60 pounds.

GSP Size

GSP’s are therefore classified as medium or large in size; depending on the exact dog in question.

And being part of the sporting breed category; they are certainly high-energy dogs that need a lot of exercise and room to roam and play.

But more on their spatial requirements later.

First, let’s continue to explore their size and growth trajectory so you know exactly what to expect from the time that these dogs are young pups.

That way, you’ll be in a prime position should you proceed to get one.

What Is The Average Size Of A German Shorthaired Pointer?

The average size for a male German Shorthaired Pointers is usually 25 inches in height, while females stand a little shorter at 23 inches in height. The average weight for males is from 40 to 49.2 pounds, and 32.4 to 42.8 pounds for females.

To give you an estimation of how big German Shorthaired Pointers can get, they are fairly similar in height and weight to Labrador Retrievers.

GSPs are about an inch taller on average, whereas Labrador Retrievers weigh slightly more – up to 10 pounds more, usually.

While the above figures are averages, there are several factors that can affect how big your German Shorthaired Pointer will get.


Genetics will play a part in the size that your dog will reach, so if you want to get a fairly accurate idea of how big he’ll be, look at his parents.

For males, look at the dad, and for females, look at the mom.

Some people do DNA tests to determine how big their dog will get, although if you have access to the parents, this isn’t really necessary.


Diet plays a big part in your dog’s growth, and the better your dog’s overall nutrition, the more chance he has of reaching his full growth potential.

Your vet can advise you if you are unsure about the ideal diet for your German Shorthaired Pointer.

Activity Levels

Dogs need to keep active, and puppies need adequate (and appropriate) exercise to help their bones and muscles grow (and also to ensure they do not develop injuries, either).

Make sure your puppy gets the right activity for his age, though.

Puppies who have to climb stairs or do lots of jumping before their bones are fully grown can have problems in later life with hip dysplasia, arthritis, or other problems.

Walking is the best form of exercise for puppies and young dogs. Start out with small amounts and increase exercise times as your puppy grows.

As a guide, young dogs need 5 minutes of exercise per month of age, two times a day.

So, your 4-month-old GSP would need 20 to 40 minutes of activity daily.

Read more: How Much Exercise Do German Shorthaired Pointers Need?

Whether Your Dog Is Spayed Or Neutered

If your dog gets spayed or neutered before he or she is ready, this can affect growth.

Male dogs, in particular, are susceptible to stunted growth if they are denied the appropriate levels of testosterone when young.

At What Age Are German Shorthaired Pointers Full Grown?

German Shorthaired Pointers are considered to be fully grown at 1.5 to 2 years old. Most German Shorthaired Pointers won’t continue to grow beyond 18 months old, but they may gain a few more pounds in weight, typically in the form of new muscle.

The Average Growth Progression

GSPs are considered to be medium-sized to large-sized dogs. Most of the time, females are in the medium-sized category and males in the large-sized classification.

Below is a growth chart to give you an idea of the size progression of your German Shorthaired Pointer puppy.

Bear in mind that this chart is designed to be a guide, so don’t be too concerned if your puppy doesn’t grow quite as quickly.

Siblings from the same litter can be quite different in size and weight, and some dogs grow more slowly than others.

You’ll only want to check with your vet if your puppy is significantly more or less big than the values shown here.

AgeWeight (Female)Height (Female)Weight (Male)Height (Male)
8 weeks10 lbs11 inches13 lbs12 inches
10 weeks15 lbs12 inches18 lbs13 inches
12 weeks20 lbs13 inches24 lbs15 inches
4 months26 lbs15 inches31 lbs17 inches
5 months33 lbs17 inches37 lbs19 inches
6 months40 lbs19 inches44 lbs22 inches
7 months42 lbs20 inches49 lbs23 inches
8 months44 lbs21 inches53 lbs23 inches
9 months46 lbs21 inches55 lbs24 inches
10 months49 lbs21 inches57 lbs24 inches
12 months51 lbs21 inches62 lbs24 inches
24 months53 lbs22 inches64 lbs24 inches

Details Of The Growth Stages Of GSP Puppies

Here are some important milestones and things to consider as your puppy grows.

At 8 Weeks Old

8 weeks old is when your GSP puppy will show big changes.

Until they’re 3 weeks old, GSP puppies can barely walk.

At 8 weeks, their muscles are strong enough to support their weight.

At 4 Months Old

By 4 months old, you can see the obvious differences between male and female puppies.

Some GSP puppies will have slim bodies at this age and then they’ll fill out with muscle mass as they get older.

While GSPs can look slim, this shouldn’t be a cause for concern.

If in doubt, ask your vet (make sure they know about German Shorthaired Pointers.)

Don’t give your puppy extra food just because he looks slim until you’ve checked with your vet.

How Much Space Does A German Shorthaired Pointer Need?

German Shorthaired Pointers are highly sporty dogs who need lots of space to run and burn off energy. There is no such thing as too much exercise for this breed, so they need large yards and ample access to the outdoors (under supervision). GSPs do best in homes with immediate access to the outdoors (they are not suitable for apartment living.)

Considerations For Crate Sizes

Like many puppies, crate training is very useful to help your puppy get used to spending short periods alone in a safe place.

The crate needs to be large enough for your dog to be able to turn around, stretch out, stand, and lie down comfortably.

The correct crate size for your GSP depends on your dog’s length. With this in mind, the best crate sizes for GSPs are:

  • For Puppies: Choose a full-sized crate that has a divider that you can adjust as your puppy grows. Check the length of your puppy’s parents to get an idea of the size you’ll need.
  • For Adults: A crate that is 42 inches long by 30 inches wide by 28 inches high should be big enough for most adults to stand and sit easily.

By getting a full-sized crate that can be adjusted as your puppy grows, you won’t need to buy another when he’s an adult.

Note: Don’t be tempted to get a crate that’s too big. The idea of a crate is to have a safe, enclosed area for your dog to feel secure.

Considerations For Outdoor Spaces

Your GSP needs lots of high-energy activities such as swimming, running, lots of games, long walks, and anything else you can think of.

These dogs need at least two long sessions of activity each day of at least an hour each.

GSPs were bred to hunt, so they have high prey drives.

They can bolt during off-leash exercise or scale 6-foot-high fences in search of other animals that they see as prey.

Your German Shorthaired Pointer needs to be supervised when off the lead, and if he’s outside in your yard, you need high fences or walls that are over 6 feet tall (he can scale both.)

Other Size Considerations for German Shorthaired Pointer Owners

Other size considerations for German Shorthaired Pointer owners include their tendency to overeat and their need for the right amount of exercise.

Don’t Overfeed Your German Shorthaired Pointer

GSPs have healthy appetites, and if you let them overeat, they will gain weight quickly. Obesity is dangerous for dogs and can lead to soft tissue and hard tissue injuries.

Because GSPs are sporty dogs, they are active and can tear tendons or suffer from inflamed joints if they’re carrying too much weight.

Large dogs like German Shorthaired Pointers are more prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, especially if they’re overfed.

If your GSP is carrying too much weight, consult your vet to get him on a weight management plan that includes gentle physical activity.

You can check your dog’s weight levels by running your hands along his sides: if you can’t feel his ribs, then he’s probably overweight.

Give Your German Shorthaired Pointer Enough Exercise

The other contributing factor to injuries and hip dysplasia is either rigorous exercise when GSPs are small or too little exercise when they’re older.

Hip dysplasia symptoms can manifest themselves as early as four months of age, so it’s worth making sure your dog is getting the right nutrition and the correct amount of exercise.

Hip dysplasia is characterized by decreased activity, hind-end lameness, and limping.


German Shorthaired Pointers are medium to large dogs.

At least in terms of classification.

With this particular breed, you will notice that there can be a little variance between each dog.

Particularly among the females and the males.

And with their high energy needs, you are going to need to ensure you have a sufficiently large space at home to accommodate them.

These are not dogs that can, or should be confined to small places.

Generally, the larger, more secure your yard is, the better!

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