Try to relax. Your dog has eaten a nectarine pit. And now you are concerned.
Very concerned.
But do you need to be?
What do you now need to do and be aware of?
Well let’s cut to the chase…
So, what should you do if your dog has eaten nectarine pit? If your dog has eaten a nectarine pit, immediately contact your vet. The pit can cause choking, intestinal blockage, or cyanide poisoning. In the meantime, monitor for signs of distress like vomiting, loss of appetite, or difficulty breathing and note down any changes in behavior.
Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Nectarine Pits?
It’s not safe for dogs to eat nectarine pits, regardless of their size. They can cause choking, intestinal blockage, and potentially cyanide poisoning in dogs.
They Can Cause Choking
Like any large, hard, object; nectarine pits can easily get lodged in the throat or windpipe, blocking the flow of air.
Signs of choking include extreme distress, pawing at the mouth, drooling, difficulty breathing, and even loss of consciousness.
Choking is a serious, life-threatening emergency.
Intestinal Blockage in Dogs
Alternatively, the nectarine pit could cause an intestinal blockage, or gastrointestinal obstruction.
In other words, it could get stuck in the stomach or intestines of your dog.
This can cause severe discomfort and may lead to serious complications, including perforation of the intestine.
Symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.
Potential Cyanide Poisoning in Dogs
Cyanide poisoning is a less common but serious risk associated with dogs consuming nectarine pits.
The pits of many stone fruits, including nectarines, contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when broken down.
While a single pit is unlikely to contain enough cyanide to be lethal, ingestion can still cause symptoms like dilated pupils, excessive salivation, difficulty breathing, and shock.
Will A Nectarine Pit Pass Through A Dog?
A nectarine pit may be able pass through a dog (depending on its size, the digestive capabilities of the dog, the dogs size etc.), but it can also cause serious problems along the way. Therefore, it is best not to wait for this to happen.
In theory, the pit could pass through without incident, but that’s certainly not the most likely or safest outcome.
This is due to the size and the hardness of the pit.
What To Do If Your Dog Has Eaten A Nectarine Pit
Check Your Dog For Immediate Signs Of Distress
Firstly, check your dog over. Ensure they are not choking, having difficulty breathing, drooling excessively, or are exhibiting any signs of pain.
Also check your dogs mouth to make sure no fragments of the pit are lodged in their teeth or gums.
Speak With A Vet
Immediately contact a vet. Whether that’s online (via a service like Vetster) via the phone or in person.
Give Your Dog Plenty Of Water
In the meantime, make sure your dog has plenty of water.
Try to keep them calm and comfortable.
What Your Vet May Do If Your Dog Has Eaten A Nectarine Pit
Recommend A Checkup
Upon calling your vet, after you’ve detailed the situation, it is quite possible that they will recommend bringing your pup in for a check-up.
This allows them to evaluate the dog’s condition first hand, which is especially important in potentially serious cases like this.
Provide A Physical Exam
At the vet’s clinic, your dog will likely undergo a physical examination to assess their overall wellbeing and to look for any signs of distress.
This will help to ensure that there is no immediate threat, such as choking or serious discomfort.
Consider an X-Ray/Ultrasound
The vet might also opt to do an X-ray or ultrasound to locate the pit within your dog’s digestive tract.
This is a crucial step as it can determine if the pit is in a position that might cause a blockage, or if it is small enough and positioned in a way that it might pass naturally.
They May Do Nothing
Every case is unique, and there are various outcomes.
In some cases, you might be fortunate and find out that the pit is well on its way out, with no need for surgery or to induce vomiting.
In such cases, your vet will most likely send you home with instructions to monitor your dog for any signs of discomfort and to keep an eye out for the pit in their poop.
They May Induce Vomiting
One of the options your vet might consider is inducing vomiting in your dog.
However, this isn’t a decision to be taken lightly.
The size and hardness of the nectarine pit mean that it could cause further damage on the way back up, possibly injuring the esophagus.
It’s also not always effective in expelling the pit, as it may have already passed into the intestines.
This is precisely why I must stress that inducing vomiting is something that should never be attempted at home without professional guidance.
It could lead to serious complications, and you might end up doing more harm than good.
If your vet does deem it safe and necessary to induce vomiting, they will administer a safe emetic agent and monitor your dog closely throughout the process.
The goal here is to retrieve the pit while minimizing any potential harm to your dog.
It’s immensely concerning to discover your dog has eaten an object as large as a nectarine pit.
And it does require immediate action.
In fact, if you are still reading then you should not put off that call to the vet any longer.
That being said, it’s crucial to stay calm and not attempt to do anything too hastily.
Every dog is unique, and every situation is different, so professional advice is the best guide you can have.
And going forward.
Perhaps, keep your fruit bowl/fruit out of reach.
These things happen.
Don’t beat yourself up.
But certainly learn from it.
Will nectarine pits hurt dogs?
Nectarine pits can hurt dogs, in various ways. However whether they will hurt a dog will depend on the unique circumstances and context.
Related Guides:
- My Dog Ate A Peach Pit [What May Happen & What To Do]
- My Dog Ate A Plum Pit [What You Now Will Have To Do]
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I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.