Gasp! Your dog has eaten a plum pit. And now you are worried. Really worried.
Besides, these stones are not exactly small are they.
But how concerned do you really need to be? What do you now need to do, if anything at all?
Well, here is everything you now need to think about and consider.
So, what should you do if your dog has eaten a plum pit? If your dog has eaten a plum pit, try to remain calm, remove accessible remaining pits, and observe for symptoms like vomiting or abdominal pain. Regardless of symptoms, immediately contact your vet for guidance.
Is It Safe For Dogs To Eat Plum Pits?
It’s generally unsafe for dogs to eat plum pits due to the potential risks of choking, intestinal blockage or cyanide toxicity (if consumed in excess).
Choking Hazard
Just like small toys or bones, plum pits pose a significant choking hazard for dogs, especially smaller breeds.
The size and shape of plum pits make them difficult for dogs to chew properly.
If your dog attempts to swallow the pit whole or in large pieces, it could get lodged in their throat.
The initial choking could cause immediate distress and lack of oxygen, and if not addressed promptly, it could even be fatal.
Intestinal Blockage
This is particularly concerning for small dogs, but even larger breeds can suffer from this complication.
The digestive tract of dogs isn’t designed to process hard, indigestible objects like plum pits.
As the pit travels through the digestive system, it can become stuck, causing a blockage.
Symptoms may include vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.
Cyanide Toxicity
The pits of many fruits, including plums, apricots, cherries, and peaches, contain compounds that are metabolized into cyanide when ingested.
While a single plum pit might not contain enough cyanide to be lethal, the consumption of these pits should always be avoided.
Cyanide toxicity interferes with the body’s ability to transport oxygen, which can lead to symptoms like dilated pupils, red gums, difficulty breathing, and even shock or death in severe cases.
Will A Plum Pit Pass Through A Dog
A Plum pit may be able to pass through a dog, depending on the relative size of the pit/dog, and their general digestive capabilities.
In reality, it depends.
It depends on several factors, such as:
For small dogs, a plum pit could cause a blockage in the digestive tract.
For larger dogs, while they may be able to pass it, it doesn’t mean it’s risk-free.
So whether or not it will pass is one thing, whether you should allow it to happen is another…
What To Do If Your Dog Has Eaten A Plum Pit
Remain Calm
Panicking won’t help anyone, especially not your dog who is rather adept at picking up on our emotions.
Reduce Further Exposure
Make sure you remove any remaining plum pits from your dog’s reach, reducing the risk of them eating more.
Monitor Closely
Next, observe your dog closely for any signs of discomfort, such as vomiting, excessive drooling, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, or signs of choking.
These symptoms could indicate a blockage or cyanide poisoning. It’s also a good idea to estimate the time your dog ate the pit.
This information can be useful for the vet.
Promptly Call A Vet
Whether your dog shows symptoms or not, it’s imperative to call your vet, or visit one if possible as soon as you can.
Eating a plum pit is a potential emergency due to the reasons mentioned earlier.
What Your Vet May Do If Your Dog Has Eaten A Plum Pit
Ask Questions To Assess The Situation
This could include questions about your dog’s general behavior, any symptoms observed, and how long ago the plum pit was eaten.
Physical Exam
If your dog is showing signs of a blockage or poisoning, or if it’s a small dog, your vet may recommend a physical examination.
Diagnostic tests such as X-rays or blood tests may be required to understand the situation better.
Induce Vomiting
In some cases, your vet might induce vomiting to remove the plum pit before it reaches the intestine.
In more serious scenarios, if the plum pit has caused a blockage, surgery might be necessary to remove it.
Nevertheless, it is essential that you do not attempt to induce vomiting yourself at home.
It could lead to more serious, adverse outcomes,, and you could end up doing more harm than good.
It’s incredibly worrying to find out that your dog has eaten a plum pit, or any large and hard object for that matter.
And it does require you to be prompt in your action and response.
In fact, if you have read this far, stop what you are doing and pick up the phone. Or contact a vet online, via Vetster.
Nonetheless, be sure to remain calm.
Remember that every dog is different, and it’s always better to be overly cautious. This is why getting professional advice is the best step to take.
And moving forward.
Perhaps, keep your fruit bowl/fruit higher up.
Don’t beat yourself up about this.
These things happen.
But do learn from it.
Will one plum pit kill a dog
One plum pit is not enough to kill a dog via toxicity, but it could kill a dog via chocking or obstruction, should it not be quickly and sufficiently removed and assuming it reached problematic areas.
Related guides:
- My Dog Ate A Nectarine Pit [What You Now Have To Do]
- My Dog Ate A Peach Pit [What May Happen & What To Do]
- Dog Ate Avocado Pit [What You Now Must Do]
I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.