If you own a boxer, you will have likely wondered why they cry. It can be disheartening to see your dog in this state, so finding out the reasons and causes can help you understand your dog’s feeling better and know whether it should be a cause for concern. I decided to do some research to find out exactly why this breed partakes in this behavior. I’d like to share this information with you here today.
So, why do boxers cry? Boxers cry to communicate with and to get their owners’ attention. It is commonly due to not feeling comfortable or confident in their current environment or circumstance. In time, an owner can learn to distinguish cries for attention, from those of pain, from those of hunger, etc.
Puppies are known to cry more as they are unable to bark and are unlikely to have been trained not to.
The more you satisfy your dog’s cries – the more likely your dog is to consolidate this behavior.
Effective obedience training is perhaps the best way to reduce the likelihood of your dog crying unnecessarily.
Apart from barking, dogs make vocalizations to communicate their thoughts and feelings to those closest to them. When you think about it; it’s all they can really do to feel heard.
A much-loved and well-looked after canine has little need to make a fuss once all of its needs are met. However, all dogs will likely still cry somewhat for attention.
That being said, thankfully there are things you can do. It all begins with why they may be crying in the first place.
Let us now take a closer look at the main reasons why this breed is known to cry. We will then look at some practical methods to stop your dog from crying to be sure to read to the end!
Reasons Why Boxers Cry
There are many different factors why boxers may cry. Some of it is biological and some reasons have to do with training or lack of it. In moments of distress or pain, a boxer may also cry.
It’s hard to determine exactly why a boxer is crying, because it varies by dog, by context, and even age.
Adult boxers may be crying for different reasons than young puppies. As such, below I will outline some of the most common reasons in both age groups.
Boxer Puppies
Boxer puppies cry, and they cry a lot. It’s a puzzle for many a boxer owner trying to understand their new dog’s needs.
Boxer puppies have short-term memories and don’t have enough experience to know that they can trust their owners.
As you try to understand why your pup cries so much, understand you must determine his crying is for a valid reason, and once you meet all of their needs, you must teach him to self soothe.
Crying and whining can go from being away for your puppy to communicating to fast becoming a nuisance habit. If you, as an owner, rush out to your dog every time they whimper, they will soon learn that crying and whimpering get attention, and they won’t stop.
For boxer puppies between 10 weeks and 12 months, learning a new schedule concerning feeding walks, exercise, etc. can make your puppy cry.
Every dog is different, some bark loudly to vocalize how they feel, others whine or cry, and some hardly make a sound. In the early days boxer puppies cry for a variety of reasons, let’s look at four of those:
Separation From Their Siblings
Boxers puppies become very upset when removed from their littermates as their bond is very close at this early stage.
Puppies eventually adjust to their new surroundings, but it isn’t uncommon for them to cry for at least the first few days while it is still raw.
Feeling Cold Or Uncomfortable
Puppies need to feel safe, and they need somewhere warm and cozy to rest away from their play area.
Senior dogs must have a quality bed, but equally boxer puppies need a quality bed.
Puppies need to retreat to a place in your home close to people so they don’t feel isolated as this can make them whine, cry, and bark.
Make sure that your boxer puppy has his toys and chews close by.
Feeling Claustrophobic
Boxers often feel claustrophobic, and as puppies they whine or cry when placed in too small a space, putting them in a pen is a better option.
They’re Hungry Or Thirsty
New surroundings often throw a boxer puppies’ usual appetite.
If a puppy feels even a little hungry, he will make his owner aware continually in the loudest manner possible.
Often puppies can feel too intimated in front of their new humans to eat. If a human stands too close to their dish, they may not eat. Background noise and even drafts can cause stress and make them lose their appetite.
Adult Boxers
If a boxer continues to cry into older age, then it is likely to be for specific needs that are not being met (at least according to your dog).
First and foremost, boxers are a very communicative and social breed. They are quick to express their voices in specific situations.
Like most other dog breeds, boxers will cry/whimper to express themselves to you, their owner. Below are the most common reasons why they may be seeking your attention:
- Separation Anxiety – Separation anxiety is one of the most common problems found in Boxers – especially younger ones. They love being with people and it can be hard on them when they are alone. Separation anxiety occurs when your dog becomes attached to you as an owner, and in your absence, they become worried and/or stressed. Crying is a coping mechanism for when they are alone.
- Stress – Boxers may alleviate their stress by crying or whining. This could be emotional or physical; so it can range from a noise to a persistent problem they may have.
- Appeasement – Your dog wants to make you happy and if they are not feeling that you are on their side, they may resort to crying.
- Uncertainty – This is likely to occur when you meet new people, other animals, or dogs for the first time. This is mainly a confidence issue.
- Excitement – Boxer owners often find their dogs crying when they are most excited. Sometimes this can even happen as you go for their lead prior to a walk.
- Attention – Dogs are intelligent and learn that crying gets their owner’s attention. This is a learned behavior in which your dog recognizes whining gets them the attention they are seeking.
- Frustration – Boxers may also cry when they are annoyed at something that is happening to them or around them. A common example would be that their toy is lost or gets caught under another object/piece of furniture.
- Pain – Your dog may also be in pain, and crying is trying to alert you to this. Generally, this is most common in older dogs or those with injuries. If you suspect that your dog is in pain or has hurt themselves, you should take them to a vet at the earliest opportunity for a full examination. They will be able to provide you with an appropriate course of action. In time, and perhaps with some medication, crying may cease altogether.
- Trained Behavior – Boxers, like other dogs, can even be accidentally trained to communicate with their owner during particular events e.g. the need for the toilet or a visitor at the door. Many owners often find they have inadvertently trained their dogs to cry during these times.
How To Stop Your Boxer From Crying
In the previous section, we mentioned that boxers can cry for a multitude of reasons and at different times in their life. However, crying is more common and is most likely to be experienced in boxer puppies because they are adjusting to their new surroundings, and it takes time.
If your boxer continues to cry after the adjustment period, you must get to the root of why they do this. Consider the solutions to these factors:
Never Leave Them For Too Long (For Separation Anxiety)
Your dog must learn that you will always come back. You can teach them to understand you always return home by pretending to pick up your keys, leave the house for a few minutes, and come back again.
In time, they will figure out that he can trust you to go back home after being away.
Equally, never leave your home for too long a period of time. If you need to do so for whatever reason, consider getting a trusted neighbor, friend, or family member to pop by every couple of hours to check up on your dog, give them some attention and let them outside to stretch their legs.
Provide A Safe Space (For Anxiety)
If your dog feels uncomfortable around loud noises or too many people, you can provide them with a safe, quiet room, where they can retreat and regain their composure.
An ideal spot could be your bedroom or an area of the home that is quiet and spacious.
Prevent Stressors
If you have owned your boxer for a long time, you will become sensitive to the situations that stress them out.
Stressors could be as simple as not having enough water to drink, missing their favorite toy, being bored, etc.
By being aware of your dog’s needs, you can plan and consider ahead to prevent unfavorable situations from occurring.
Build Your Dogs Confidence (For Appeasement)
If you notice that your boxer is trying to appease you, then they are likely suffering from low self-confidence.
The two most popular ways to instill confidence in a shy dog are:
- To enroll them in obedience training that is primarily reward-based,
- Play lots of fun interactive games with them.
Greet Calmly (For Excitement)
If you notice your dog is crying or whining when they see you, they are likely doing so because they are excited.
In some cases, greeting crying or whining can become overbearing.
You can calm your boxer by greeting them with a calm demeanor. When your dog sees how you respond, they are likely to copy you.
Another strategy is to not give your dog too much fuss as you come into your home. Spend some time taking your shoes and coat off before visiting your dog.
Socialize From A Young Age
Socialization is the key to stopping a lot of unwanted behavior in your boxer like excessive crying.
The best time to socialize with a pup is from birth to 4 months.
You can begin doing this by inviting family and friends to bring their dogs to play with your pup.
You must get to know their dogs before introducing them to your puppy, make sure to invite non-aggressive, friendly, and already socialized dogs.
Equally, you can head to the park when your dog has had all of its vaccinations.
Let them meet and greet other dogs (so long as this is okay with other dog owners).
As you can see, boxers cry for numerous reasons.
Crying is mainly a compulsion for boxers as puppies rather than adults as their life is turned upside down and the environment changes quite dramatically during this time.
Thankfully, this is an ideal time to train your dog and nip this type of behavior in the bud.
Many unwanted dog behaviors, such as excessive crying is a result of improper socialization from an early age. It is crucial to socialize your boxer at the earliest opportunity.
Dogs that received adequate socialization from an early age display more confidence, friendliness, gentleness, and less neediness, therefore they cry a lot less.
Overall, socialization improves the health and happiness of your boxer and it leads to a much better-behaved dog.
With this being said, there is also the possibility that your dog is injured or is experiencing pain. If you ever suspect this to be the case; then visiting a veterinarian is the best course of action.
Related Questions
Boxers are vocal dogs due to the way in which they were initially bred and what this breed of dog was used for. Although crying, barking, and whining are no longer required, it is still a natural instinct in this breed of dog as a way to communicate. Effective obedience training and socialization are essential to reduce the likelihood of your dog making noise unnecessarily.
Boxers are known to be a very affectionate breed of dog, who bond very closely with their owners. Because they develop a deep connection, they naturally feel the need to get more of your attention than what other breeds desire.
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I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.