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Can You Use Germolene On Dogs? [You’ll Be Relieved You Checked]

If your dog has picked up an injury or a wound, you will naturally want to do all you can to support them and prevent possible infection. But what about the use of germolene. Is it recommended or even safe? Here is what you need to know.

So, can you use germolene on dogs? It is possible to use a small amount of germolene on a dog, so long as it is rubbed in properly and not used on sensitive areas. It is also important that a dog is not able to lick or consume germolene in any significant amount. The phenol present in germolene is toxic if consumed in significant quantities.

Germolene is a very effective antiseptic.

Its a miracle cream in many ways; its very versatile cheap and can help support the recovery of a number of different ailments.

But just because something can work wonders for us humans does not necessarily mean it should be used with dogs.

Thankfully germolene is generally safe and can be used.

But it does come with its caveats.

This article will explore these, and discuss exactly how you should use it if you do decide to do so.

Plus, we will be talking about a more appropriate alternative.

So if your dog has a wound, is itching or licking at a particular area – be sure to keep on reading.

You owe it to your dog!

The Case For Germolene For Dogs

Germolene is a mild, non-greasy anti-septic cream invented to combat the risk of infection in open wounds, cuts, stings, insect bites and chappend skin.

Generally, if an area is suffering with any irritation; germolene typically does the trick.

It does so by numbing the pain and relieving the itching and irritation that such injuries can bring.

And for a dog, this is very important.

Any scratching or biting at a wound can exacerbate the problem.

So, rubbing in a small amount can offer relief to your dog and support the healing process.

And it does so through the two main active ingredients: Phenol 1.2% & Chlorhexidine Digluconate 0.25%.

More on the Phenols later.

It is the latter here that is particularly effective for dogs.

Here is what the research says about this compound:

“Chlorhexidine is indicated for dogs and cats with skin infections and dry to normal skin. It appears to have greater efficacy for bacterial infections”

Further still, irritant reactions to Chlorhexidine are rarely seen, according to the same scientific source.

The Case Against Germolene For Dogs

So far so good.

An effective and safe product that can be effectively used on dogs, and with great benefits.

Not so fast.

Germolene does not come without its risks – it needs to be used appropriately.

Here is why.

Remember that other active ingredient I referenced earlier – Phenols.

Well, that can be pretty toxic to a dog if ingested in significant quanitties.

At least according to the research.

So, you need to be very careful on how and where you apply this ointment.

You do not want your dog to lick at it or be able to swallow any of it in high amounts.

Therefore, it needs to be rubbed in liberally.

You need to consider your dog; are they a licker or chewer of their paws? Or do they tend to lick at a wound or cut?

Nevertheless, what is important here is that Germolene stays out of your dogs mouth.

When And Where To Use Germolene On A Dog

If you do want to use Germolene on your dog, its essential you do so properly.

There are some areas for instance in which are not suitable altogether for this cream.

Here are the recommendations of where you can and should not apply:

Where You Can ApplyWhere You Should Not Apply
Tail (including the base)Nose
BottomEyes (in or around)
NeckEars (in or around)

For areas it can be used, it is generally advised to apply a very small amount. At least to begin with.

It should only be applied to a clean wound or affected area.

If you can rubbing it in somewhat is advised.

It is also recommended never to apply it to a dog at night.

This way, you can monitor how your dog responds to it and you can stop them from licking at the cream.

You do need to be particularly careful with Germolene. Its not really an apply and leave solution.

This is why it is advised to get a much safer all-natural alternative for long-term usage. We will discuss the exact product to get later on.

Nevertheless, I did speak to a vet about using Germolene specifically on dogs and this was his response:

“I regularly advise the use of Germolene in mild problems. Sometimes you just don’t need the excessive power of an antibacterial, but then again, sometimes you do.”

How Much Germolene To Use On A Dog

When it comes to the amount to use, less is definitely more.

You should only apply it to safe areas, as referenced above.

When applying, ensure that you are only use a thin amount and rub it in somewhat (if possible).

If your dog winces in pain, you can try to dab the cream instead.

Be careful, this is likely a very sensitive area for your dog and applying the cream may cause some discomfort at first.

Using too much cream will exacerbate this effect.

Better still would be to use an Elizabethan Collar; you know the cones you can place over your dog’s head?

These are great at stopping a dog from licking or chewing at an area.

In fact, I much prefer this one from Amazon. It’s much more comfortable and versatile for a dog and adjustable too.

Also consider that Germolene as an ailment is somewhat greasy.

Unless it has the chance to soak in, or has been rubbed in appropriately, it is likely to stick or even come off when rubbed against furniture.

So, be careful in the immediate realm of time after it has been applied.

Denying access to the sofa or their bed is a good idea for the first 10-15 minutes after application.

At this point, if you are using an Elizabethan collar, you could even look to remove it.

Just ensure your dog does not proceed to lick the area.

Is There A Better Alternative To Germolene?

Germolene can be an effective remedy for cuts and wounds, but due to the presence of potentially toxic phenols, is not the most practical solution.

Especially long-term.

Making our dog sick is not an option; so it makes sense to work with products that entirely reduce the chance of illness, while still offering effective healing properties.

Here is how you can do this.

Head over to Amazon and browse their dog-friendly antiseptic creams.

These are carefully designed and formulated creams; used by thousands of dog owners to great effect.

They are brilliant, much more practical alternatives and great to have stocked up!


You can use Germolene on dogs, but only under certain conditions.

Those being; you only apply to safe areas, rub it in properly and prevent your dog from being able to lick and chew the area. Besides, the phenols should not be ingested.

This is why an Elizabethan Collar can be particularly useful.

Nonetheless, if you do have some Germolene at home, and do want to use it, thankfully you can.

The same can be said for Sudocrem.

Although in the long term, or if you are yet to buy a cream for your dog, there are much better alternatives.