When it comes to getting a dog, one of your primary considerations is how big they are going to get. Whether you are looking at the bernedoodle dog breed or you have recently adopted one, this information will help you to set your expectations and help you to take better care of them.
So, how big do bernedoodles get? Bernedoodles come in a range of sizes depending on how they are bred and the genes from which they are inherited. The standard bernedoodle typically weighs 70-90 pounds at 23-29″ in height. Miniature bernedoodles weigh anywhere from 25-49 pounds at 18-22″ in height. Tiny/Micro or Toy bernedoodles weigh on average 10-24 pounds and reach 12-17″ in height.
As you can see, a bernedoodle can vary quite dramatically in regards to weight and size.
It mostly depends on how they are bred; the result of breeding between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle.
When you consider that the average Bernese Mountain Dog weighs between 80-110 pounds, Standard Poodles 70 pounds, and Toy Poodles around 10 pounds – you can soon see how this averages out in the subsequent breed of bernedoodle.
Let us now take a closer look at this hybrid dog breed so you can get a better understanding as to why they reach the size they do.
You’ll also learn at what age they reach maturity so be sure to read on to get all the information you need!
How Bernedoodles Are Bred
To get an understanding as to the size that a bernedoodle will ultimately reach, we must understand how they are bred.
Bernedoodles, like many other doodle mixes (e.g. Cockapoo, Cavapoo, etc) are hybrid dogs. They are the result of breeding two pedigree breeds together.
Hybrid dogs are actually quite a ‘new thing’ – such breeding practices only really began relatively recently.
The concept behind initially doing so was to produce a breed of dog that possessed the better qualities of the parental dogs.
Equally, to minimize risk factors and other health complications that can occur in either breed.
Breeders who specialize in breeding hybrids do so over generations. In doing so, they are able to breed certain qualities into the next litter.
This is why you may hear them referred to as designer dogs – it’s the result of generation breeding.
Generation breeding increases the chances of breeding particular qualities into the next litter.
Your bernedoodle, or the bernedoodle you are looking at getting, is a result of this process.
This is how they are able to possess the qualities in which they do and also, why they can vary so much against other bernedoodle dogs.
One of the main benefits of generation breeding is that it can also improve the health of the dogs in the resulting litter.
Every breed of dog is susceptible to specific health issues and complications – the Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle breeds are not excluded.
However, with hybrid breeding, breeders can reduce the odds of a health issue or disease reoccurring in a new generation.
This is because it is unlikely that two breeds of dogs are likely to develop the same type of health issue or disease.
In other words, if a litter was bred from the same breed – they have a higher chance of developing a health issue or disease that the breed is most susceptible for.
Another benefit of hybrid and generational breeding is that it has enabled dogs to become less allergenic.
Bernedoodles for example, are considered hypoallergenic and ideal for those with dog allergies. This is because they have hair instead of fur, and do not shed like other breeds of dogs are known to.
When it comes to generational breeding, there are specific acronyms that are used to differentiate and describe each generation. These are F1, F1b, F2, etc.
Each number refers to the generation of the litter.
The F1 generation is generally the most expensive; whereas the latter F2, F3, etc generations encounter more generational breeding and are known as the designer dogs.
This is because, with each new generation, more traits/features of one breed begin to show.
Generation breeding has enabled breeders to dictate and influence the size, coat, and color of dogs.
Here is an overview of how the process works.
- F1: This bernedoodle is the result of breeding a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. So, this dog and the rest of the litter, will be 50% Bernese Mountain Dog and 50% Poodle.
- F1B: This bernedoodle is the result of breeding an F1 Bernedoodle with a Poodle. It will have 75% Poodle and 25% Bernese Mountain Dog in them.
- F2: This bernedoodle is the result of breeding two F1 Bernedoodles together. Again, this dog and the rest of the litter, will be 50% Bernese Mountain Dog and 50% Poodle.
So as you can see, breeders are able to manipulate breeding in multiple ways.
Doodle hybrids, including the bernedoodle, have become increasingly popular in recent years with the advancement in breeding expertise and knowledge.
The result is a range of dogs that are allergy-friendly and a dog that is equally well tempered and loving. The bernedoodle is a case in point.
Bernedoodle Size and Growth Rate
The size of a bernedoodle dog, both at birth and once fully mature, depends largely on how they are bred.
The average Bernese Mountain dog is around 80-110 pounds and 25-27″ in height – with little variance in the breed.
However, Poodles come in a range of sizes – for example, you have the standard, miniature, and toy poodle breeds.
For this reason, bernedoodles range in size and can be one of three different sizes (depending on the breed of poodle used in mating).
So, here would be the different size-types of bernedoodles and how they are bred:
- Standard Bernedoodle – bred from a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Standard Poodle
- Miniature Bernedoodles – bred from a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Miniature Poodle
- Micro/Toy Bernedoodle – bred from a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Toy Poodle.
Breed | Average Weight | Average Height |
Standard Bernedoodle | 70-90 lbs | 23-29″ |
Miniature Bernedoodle | 25-49 lbs | 18-22″ |
Micro/Toy Bernedoodle | 10-14 lbs | 12-17″ |
While it may appear that the primary purpose of this selective breeding is to manipulate the size of the dogs in the litter; there are also other reasons.
For example, certain qualities are more likely to appear through breeding a Bernese Mountain Dog with a different-sized Poodle.
Generally, the smaller the poodle, the more energetic they are.
Micro/Toy bernedoodles, therefore, tend to have more energy than that of a standard bernedoodle.
This is why, when getting a bernedoodle, you think about the type of temperament you want in your dog, not just in the size that they will be.
Some breeders may even breed from calmer poodles to attempt to minimize such energy in their puppies.
Nonetheless, the standard bernedoodles is known to be generally more calm than the smaller versions.
What Age Is A Bernedoodle Full Grown?
The age that a bernedoodle will be fully grown will vary between dogs. Unfortunately, there is not an exact number or age that you can confidently expect.
This is because each dog is different (inheriting different genes), along with the fact that you have the different size bernedoodles as discussed above.
Then there are factors within your control; like the diet, they are fed, how they are cared for and the amount of exercise that they get.
Read more: Best Dog Food For Bernedoodles [The #1 Brand & Why]
Bernedoodles continue to grow several years into their lives – even when they reach their full height, their weight can always increase. This is why you need to feed your dog an optimal diet and ensure that they are not putting on excess pounds.
However, we can roughly speculate based on the growing expectation and sizes of similar-sized dogs.
For example,
- Small dogs typically reach their full adult size at 1 years of age.
- Medium dogs typically reach their full adult size at 14 months.
- Large dogs typically reach their full adult size at 2 years of age.
So, when it comes to a bernedoodle; it of course depends on the size of the poodle that was used during breeding.
For the most part, a bernedoodle will fall into the medium dog size where you can expect them to be full-grown at around 14 months of age.
However, most breeders state that doodle hybrid dogs, reach full adult size and maturity at around 2 years of age.
So, to set your expectations, the range a bernedoodle reaches full adult size will be around 14-24 months of age.
The bernedoodle dog breed is unique in the fact that they can vary quite dramatically. Not only in size, but in color and temperament too!
For this reason, any prospective or new owner should be familiar with the poodle that is used during the breeding process.
It is also important to be aware that the smaller the poodle breed that is used, miniature or toy, the more energy that the resulting bernedoodle is likely to have.
Whether or not this is going to be an issue is going depends on personal preferences and circumstances.
Conducting your research and talking to a breeder is therefore one of the best things you can do.
Ultimately, the bernedoodle dog breed comes in a range of sizes and reaches full adult size and maturity between 14-24 months of age.
Related Bernedoodle guides:
- Best Dog Crate For Bernedoodle
- What Size Crate For Bernedoodle
- How Much Exercise Does A Bernedoodle Need?
- How To Groom A Bernedoodle
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I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.