When owning any breed of dog, its important to be aware of their exercise needs and requirements. How much is too much and alternatively, how much is not enough. But what about the bernedoodle breed? What is right, sufficient and optimal for them? I decided to do some research to help you know exactly how much to provide, at each stage of their lives.
So, how much exercise does a Bernedoodle need? A Bernedoodle requires a different amount of exercise depending on their age. An adult Bernedoodle needs at least an hour of exercise, twice a day. A puppy Bernedoodle needs 15 minutes of exercise, twice per day, gradually increased from the moment you get them and by the time that they are three months of age.
As a rule of thumb, Bernedoodle puppies should have 5 minutes of exercise twice a day, for each month in age that they are.
So, a 2-month-old berneedoodle should have 10 minutes, a 4 month 20 minutes, and so on.
Bernedoodles make excellent pets; they are intelligent and affectionate and need only moderate exercise.
These dogs are calm and laid back, and regular moderate exercise helps to stimulate their minds and keep them at a healthy weight.
Bernedoodles are famous for their love of running around and being generally quite playful, so there is no limit as to what activities to implement into their daily exercise routine.
So, let’s now take a closer look at exactly how much you should be exercising this dog breed and, how to do so effectively!
Do Bernedoodles Need Lots Of Exercise?
Bernedoodles are not high-energy dogs and therefore don’t need lots of exercise like some other breeds e.g. Border Collie.
Moderate daily exercise is enough to fulfill their needs and requirements.
However, the involvement of their owners encourages most Bernedoodles to exercise longer than is actually required. This is something you need to be aware of.
There is such a thing as too much.
Exercise should be provided in relation to your dog’s age.
When young, not only do puppies not require as much exercise – but too much can actually cause damage and injury to their growth platelets.
Therefore, in the initial months following adoption, you should look to be more careful of such scheduled activity.
The table below outlines a good amount of exercise per age. Generally, as puppies, Bernedoodles need 5 minutes of exercise twice per day for every month in age they are until they are full-grown.
So, this equates to the following:
Age | Exercise Requirements (In Minutes) |
1 Month | 5 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
2 Months | 10 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
3 Months | 15 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
4 Months | 20 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
5 Months | 25 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
6 Months | 30 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
7 Months | 35 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
8 Months | 40 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
9 Months | 45 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
10 Months | 50 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
11 Months | 55 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
12 Months + | 60 Minutes, Twice Per Day |
The table above provided a rough guide – your dog may require slightly more or slightly less at each age interval.
You also do not need to follow this rigorously – but it serves as a good general guideline to follow.
Just be sure not to overdo it as they are young. Also, look to introduce and buildup scheduled walks slowly. It’s all about getting your dog used to the activity.
Then, of course, you will need to factor in the walk itself.
How challenging is the walk, the terrain, and the weather? 10 minutes incline in the freezing cold is very different to 20 minutes downhill in the warm sunshine.
You should also look to observe your dog’s preferences and own behaviors.
They will soon begin to show when they have had too much. But this is within reason!
If most Bernedoodles had their way, they would prefer to sit on their owner’s lap while watching television! Its just in their nature to be more on the lazy side.
Thankfully, bernedoodles like to be close to their owners regardless of what they are doing, whether it’s going for a stroll or cooking.
So, you can use this to your advantage and you can motivate your dog to exercise by playing fetch with him, running alongside him, or getting them to swim as Bernedoodles typically love the water.
Some dogs prefer to exercise more than others, but if your dog even goes for a walk with you anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour twice a day, you are ensuring they are meeting their exercise requirements and needs.
Can Bernedoodles Go On Runs?
Adult bernedoodles can go on runs with you, however, it is recommended that young puppy bernedoodles do not. Generally, you can begin to run with your bernedoodle from the time they are 12 months and older.
For adult bernedoodles, they love to run around and enjoy being close with you and participating in activities together.
You can play games with your dog that involve running such as playing fetch, getting them to run around an obstacle course, tug of war, or just running alongside him.
You must be very careful with Bernedoodle puppies and a scheduled run is not recommended.
Running around for too long is not good for them, you don’t want to put too much stress on their little bodies and they can easily suffer from overexertion.
For this reason, keep running outside in your backyard and be sure to give them plenty of time to rest and recover.
How To Exercise Your Bernedoodle
We’ve touched briefly on how puppies require less exercise than adults. Equally, they are more prone to injury from the impact that walking and other exercise can do.
In fact, Bernedoodle puppies are slightly more fragile than other dog breeds, so knowing what exercise and activity are acceptable and what aren’t is crucial to the health and development of your pup.
Therefore, it’s always good to look at some real-life examples as to what ideal exercise for puppies (younger than 9 months) should look like for the Bernedoodle breed.
First and foremost, let’s discuss suitable types of exercise for your puppy.
The following table will give owners a rough idea of what kind of exercise is best for young pups and what is likely to be too much:
Suitable Exercise For Bernedoodle Puppies | Things To Avoid/ Look Out For While Exercising Your Bernedoodle Puppy |
Casual strolling around your local area, on a harness/leash. Keep this at your dogs pace. | Running or biking with your puppy on a harness/leash. You should not force your puppy to go beyond a comfortable pace. |
Short episodes of gentle running, at the pace your dog dictates. | Extended running outside without a break or chance to cool down. |
Walking around your backyard/home/property. | Getting your puppy to climb the stairs or go for longer walks up an incline (such as hills). |
Active play in the yard – using toys and balls e.g. Fetch. Let them have periods of rest and access to shade/water. | Vigorous play where they need to exert a lot of energy/force e.g. tug of war. Avoid any exercise that puts a strain on your puppy’s joints. |
Like with any dog, you should always be on the lookout for signs of exertion and exhaustion.
Never overdo it with a young puppy and in this stage of life, less is definitely more!
Suitable Exercise For Adult Bernedoodle (12 Months+)
As adult dogs, Bernedoodles can take more strenuous exercise than puppies: however, some are stubborn, and it can become challenging to find an activity they like.
Bernedoodles prefer games that stimulate their minds and challenge them; but, a simple game of fetch will also keep them happy as well as fit.
Games that offer mental stimulation to your dog are ideal, but they should never be an alternative to physical exercise.
We all lead hectic lives, and it can be challenging to fit in a daily workout for your Bernedoodle. Still, if your dog doesn’t get enough exercise, it will likely develop bad behavioral traits that will inevitably affect your bond with your dog.
As previously mentioned, these dogs are playful and enjoy running around, but they especially like one-to-one participation of their owners.
Most Bernedoodles want to swim and enjoy playing games in the water; this comes from the poodle part of their DNA.
Keep in mind that not all Bernedoodles like the water, and you will have to discover that for yourself.
The sooner you can introduce your Bernedoodle pup to the water, the more he is likely to enjoy the water and become a more confident swimmer.
Getting the right amount of exercise for your dog is a balancing act.
You want to ensure that your Bernedoodle gets enough exercise but not too much. This dog breed can get sufficient exercise without participating in a tough exercise regimen.
Remember, Bernedoodles need only moderate exercise; this means that going for a stroll is just as effective for him as strenuous jumping or running, and it involves less chance of injury.
Signs Of Too Much Exercise
It is easy to overdo the exercise with a dog – particularly if you and your family are active and throw your dog into the deep end from a young age.
While exercise is good in moderation; too much is equally a problem and your dog will likely exhibit signs and symptoms that they are doing too much.
Unfortunately with dogs, they tend to keep going and persist (even through injury) if they believe it is what their owners expect from them.
For this reason, you need to be careful as it can be hard to spot the signs that activity has become excessive for their needs and abilities.
So, these are some things to look out for which indicate they are doing too much too soon:
- Paw and/or Pad Injuries: Your dog is always on their feet, so naturally, a good sign that they are doing too much presents themselves in their paws/pads. Pads may be inflamed, red or sensitive to touch (causing pain in your dog). You need to be particularly careful with paws/pads in the summer as the ground heats up. This can even burn your dogs feet!
- Achy Muscles: Just like we experience, dogs can suffer from sore and achy muscles too. Signs to look out for include crying, or noises of discomfort as your dog moves or gets up. Equally, they may want to sit more and stop moving altogether.
- Joint Injuries: This occurs mostly around the feet, legs, wrists and elbows. Exercise places a lot of stress on these areas as your dog moves around, especially running. Your dog is likely to be in some discomfort or pain when joints become inflamed and sore.
- Lethargy and Disinterest: In the early stages of over-exercising, your dog will likely continue. However, in time and as pain and fatigue begins to accumulate, they will become less interested in exercise.
Moderation is the key, just like most things in life. Your dog should be able to enjoy activities without overdoing them.
It’s just not necessary, regardless of your own desire to work out and remain active. Sometimes, it’s just best to leave the dog at home!
Even if you over-exercise your dog unintentionally, it’s important to give them adequate time to rest up and recover.
Along similar lines, the odd long walk or additional effort should be fine – just be sure to give them time to recover and maybe lower the exercise in the following days.
Bernedoodles are amazing pets; they are loving, loyal, and eager to please their owners.
These dogs love any activity that can get them as close to their humans as possible.
Thankfully Bernedoodles are not high-energy dogs and only require moderate exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
When getting a Bernedoodle puppy, it’s important to start exercising them slowly and work your way up. Be gentle and don’t expect them to do too much.
Climbing hills, jumping, and running for long stretches are not the best way to get your puppy moving as they will only lead to overexertion and stress on your puppy’s joints. This can impact their growth.
Even as your puppy ages into adulthood, you don’t need to overdo it with this dog breed.
The most important thing is that your Bernedoodle is enjoying themselves, keeping fit, and improving their health (both physically and mentally) through the right amount of appropriate exercise.
Looking to learn more about the bernedoodle breed? Then my following guides may be of help:
- How Big Do Bernedoodles Get? [Average Growth Rate & Expectations]
- How To Groom A Bernedoodle [Step by Step Owners Guide]
- Best Dog Food For Bernedoodles [The #1 Brand & Why]
- Best Dog Crate For Bernedoodle [This Is The One To Get & Why]

I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.