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How To Train A Chow Chow Puppy Not To Bite

You’ve recently brought home your Chow Chow puppy, and you’ve noticed they love to nip and bite. In fact, you might have thought this would have settled down. But it hasn’t. So naturally you are going to want to know how to train your Chow Chow puppy not to bite. That’s what we will be covering here today.

So, how can you train a Chow Chow puppy not to bite? You can train your Chow Chow puppy not to bite via teaching bite inhibition and the “drop it” command. If you have children, show them how to play gently with your Chow Chow puppy so that he doesn’t get overexcited and bite.

Puppy Biting eBook

Do You Want Your Chow Chow Puppy To Stop Biting For Good?

Get my instantly downloadable eBook and learn the two most effective techniques that I have learned from dog trainers and behavioral specialists and that I have personally used to teach 4 puppies to stop biting.

How To Train A Chow Chow Puppy Not To Bite

You can train your Chow Chow not to bite by teaching him bite inhibition. You can also train him to bite a sleeve rather than flesh. Teach him the “drop it” command, and show young children how to play safely with your pup.

Teach Your Chow Chow Puppy Bite Inhibition

Puppies usually learn a lot about bite inhibition from their siblings, who tend to yelp or squeal if their brother or sister bites too hard.

Once your pup arrives at your home, you’ll need to continue this training yourself.

Teach Him Yourself

For your new pup, you’ll have to do what his littermates did. When your Chow Chow puppy bites you too hard, do the following (but do it consistently):

  • Make a loud noise (like a squeal or a yelp)
  • Let your hand go limp and stop whatever activity you’re doing. Don’t suddenly you’re your hand away, as your pup can get excited and think it’s OK to go after your hand.
  • Fully ignore your Chow Chow puppy for a full minute. Don’t look his way or speak to him.

If you do this consistently every time, your pup will gradually learn that if he bites too hard, playtime comes to an end and he won’t get your attention anymore.

My extensive guide is what you quite simply what you need to follow if you want to train your dog, yourself.

Get Your Puppy Together With Other Dogs tT Teach Him Good Behavior

Play dates with other dogs can really help your Chow Chow puppy continue to learn how to behave around other animals.

Puppy classes are another good way for your dog to learn good behavior, not only with other dogs but with other people, too.

Note: Make sure any dogs your puppy plays with have had their vaccinations.

Teach Your Chow Chow What He Can Bite

Because Chow Chows are an ancient breed who were bred for protection, it’s in their nature to bite and lash out if they want to protect their loved ones.

You can teach your Chow Chow puppy what’s acceptable to bite on and what isn’t so that he can still satisfy his need to chew and nibble.

You can teach your pup to bite on appropriate toys rather than flesh. Here’s how:

  1. Have a range of chew and tug toys available at all times when you are with your Chow Chow puppy.
  2. Instigate play with your pup, inviting him to play a tugging or chasing game with a toy.
  3. If your pup puts his teeth on you in the middle of playing – whether by accident or on purpose – yelp or yell “ouch!”, go limp and stop the activity for a few seconds.
  4. Go back to your Chow Chow by offering a toy to play with. As long as your puppy isn’t nipping you, play with him using the toy.
  5. Repeat this practice until your Chow Chow doesn’t nip you, even in the middle of play.

Teach Your Chow Chow The Drop It Command

The “drop it” command is very useful for all puppies.

Using Food

Here’s how to teach “drop it” to your Chow Chow puppy using food:

  1. Stage 1: “Drop” equals a tasty treat. Say the word “drop” once, then offer a tasty treat on the floor in front of your puppy. When he looks up for more food, do it again. Keep going for ten times in a row over several short sessions. You’ll know it’s time for Stage 2 once your puppy looks for food on the floor once you say, “drop”.
  2. Stage 2: Exchanging a toy for food. Now take one of your dog’s toys (not his overall favorite, as he might not want to drop it). Let your puppy play with his toy for a few seconds. Then say “drop” while putting a treat on the floor. It might be tempting to take the toy away from him at this stage, but it’s essential to wait till he does it himself. Repeat this over several sessions, with at least ten repetitions per session.
  3. Stage 3: Rewarding your pup with food as soon as he drops the toy. In this stage you’ll do the same process, except this time you’ll wait till your dog drops the toy before you give the treat. Once your puppy is consistently letting go of his toy before you give him a treat, repeat the same process with a toy he likes more. Continue this training until you can get him to drop his favorite toy. If at any time your puppy finds it difficult, take a break and go back to the previous stage, as you may have moved too quickly for him.

Using Toys

Some dogs are more highly motivated by toys, so here’s how to teach your dog the same command using a toy:

  • Stage 1: Teach your Chow Chow to swap between two toys. Start with two toys that are either the same toy or have the same value to your puppy. Throw one of them for him to fetch. When he brings the toy back, show him the second toy and play with it enthusiastically: you want your dog to see that the second toy is so fun, he’ll want to drop the one he already has. Try to keep your energy going – this will take time and patience!
  • Stage 2: Make sure your puppy finds the second toy is every bit as rewarding as the first toy. When your pup drops the first toy, respond with a “yes!” (You may have to wait a bit). When playing with him using the second toy, ensure he’s having just as much of a good time as he was with the first toy.
  • Stage 3: Trade the second toy for the first one (etc.). While your Chow Chow plays with the second toy, take the first one and repeat Stage 2. Eventually, your puppy will drop the first toy as soon as you offer him the second one. Bear in mind that if your puppy likes tugging games, you can do the same process using two suitable tug toys.
  • Stage 4: Teach your dog to drop his toy as soon as you say the word “drop.” When your Chow Chow is dropping the first toy every time you show him the second one, you know he’s ready for you to introduce the word “drop” as a cue word. To do this, start as before by saying “drop” when your dog releases the toy. Repeat this process, and when your dog lets go of his toy right when he hears you say “drop,” move on by requesting that he “drop” the first toy without using a second one. Give your dog a reward every time he responds correctly to your cue word.

Teach Young Children How To Handle Your Puppy

If you have young children at home, it’s crucial to supervise them when they’re interacting you’re your Chow Chow puppy.

Teach children to play with him when your pup is calm. When children want to run around and make noise, have them do it away from the puppy – otherwise, he’ll get overexcited and may bite.

Teach your children the signals a puppy can send when he is starting to get overstimulated or frightened.

How Long Does It Take To Train a Chow Chow Puppy to Stop Biting?

With consistent training, time, and patience, most Chow Chow puppies will stop biting by the time they’re seven to eight months old. Chow Chows are naturally playful and explore with their mouths, and given their protective instincts, it’s essential to socialize them from an early age.

The Nature of Chow Chows

Chow Chows are natural protectors, and like all puppies, Chow Chow pups explore the world with their mouths.

By training your puppy consistently and playing with him regularly (in the right way), you can help him learn how to protect you while not biting you.

What To Bear In Mind

Bear in mind the following:

  • Don’t wave hands in front of your puppy while playing, as he’ll be tempted to nibble.
  • If your Chow Chow loves nipping at your feet when out walking, try a bite-deterrent spray. Once he learns your feet don’t taste good, your puppy will leave them alone.
  • Keep your puppy’s favorite chew and tug toys on hand at all times.
  • Don’t engage in rough play with hands (try tug games or fetch).
  • Know the signs of resource guarding, which often comes from stress or boredom and can lead to biting and other aggressive behaviors.

Why Do Chow Chow Puppies Bite?

As a Way of Communicating

Chow Chow puppies, like all dogs, rely on body language and physical actions to express themselves. 

Biting is one of the ways they communicate their feelings, needs, and emotions. 

This may include conveying dominance, seeking attention, or expressing discomfort or frustration. 

As a Result Of Teething

When Chow Chow puppies are between 3 and 7 months old, they go through a teething phase where their baby teeth fall out, and adult teeth begin to emerge. 

This process can be uncomfortable and even painful, leading your puppy to bite and chew on objects to alleviate the discomfort. 

To Protect

Chow Chows are descendants of ancient Chinese guard dogs and have a natural instinct to protect their family and territory. 

Biting can be a manifestation of this instinct, as puppies are still learning how to differentiate between threats and non-threats. 

To Play

Play is an essential aspect of a puppy’s development, and biting is often a part of their playful interactions.

Puppies, including Chow Chows, explore the world with their mouths, biting and chewing as they interact with their environment and other animals. 

Is It Normal for Chow Chow Puppies To Bite A Lot?

It is normal for Chow Chow puppies to bite more frequently than other breeds during their early stages of development. Their inherent guarding instincts and the natural teething process make it quite common for them to exhibit biting behaviors. 

However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean the behavior should be ignored or allowed to persist unchecked.

You should take proactive steps to manage and reduce your Chow Chow puppy’s biting tendencies. 

While Chow Chow puppies may bite more than other breeds, it’s essential to remember that with patience, understanding, and proper training, you can ensure they grow into a well-behaved and loving companion. 


Chow Chow puppies do bite, as you have come to realize.

Though it’s also true that Chow Chow puppies may bite a little more than other breeds.

That being said, all is not lost. You can take proactive measures to help reduce it.

And you should.

Investing the time and effort into training your Chow Chow not to bite will be worth it.

Besides, it will result in a more socialized dog.

Puppy Biting eBook

Do You Want Your Chow Chow Puppy To Stop Biting For Good?

Get my instantly downloadable eBook and learn the two most effective techniques that I have learned from dog trainers and behavioral specialists and that I have personally used to teach 4 puppies to stop biting.

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