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Where Should My Kitten Sleep At Night? [The Right Approach]

Kittens make wonderful companions, but they aren’t known for having the most predictable sleep patterns! So, how can you keep your kitten safe at night whilst also getting a good night’s rest? Read on to find out.

So, where should my kitten sleep at night? The best place for your kitten to sleep at night is in a secure room, such as a laundry room. You can also allow your kitten to sleep in your bedroom, but you must ensure the area is safe. Cover any exposed wires or potentially dangerous hiding spaces, and make sure you provide plenty of blankets, food, water, and a litter tray. 

Ultimately, only you will know what is best for you and your kitten.

And it is something that may change in time, too. But it can also become a problem too as we will soon find out in a further section.

Besides, a lot has to do with the individual context; how long you have had your kitten and their general personality, and preferences.

In fact, you may even find that you and your kitten have different ideas; and it may require a little bit of perseverance or acceptance.

Nevertheless, let us continue to explore how you should approach sleep with your cute new feline, with some tips and best practices to ensure you both get a good night’s rest!

Can My Kitten Sleep Alone At Night?

Kittens can be left alone at night, but you need to be aware that young kittens can often get themselves stuck in the most unusual places! For this reason, it is best to restrict your kittens’ access to just one room in the beginning. This will also help you to litter-train your kitten, which can be done at around 4-6 weeks of age. 

When you first get your kitten, you can either allow him to sleep in your bedroom (more on this below), or you can set up a small room in the house for him overnight.

A laundry room or something similar is ideal. Make sure you kitten-proof the room before allowing him access.

Check for things like exposed wires, small hiding spots, and any sharp objects. Once this is done, make the room comfy by adding a cat bed, food, and water bowls, as well as a few toys.

A scratching post will be appreciated too!

For the first few nights, it is recommended that you also add a blanket with the mothers’ scent, as this will help your kitten to feel safe in a new environment.

Make sure you spend a few minutes interacting with your kitten before you leave him for the night, and expect a bit of complaining until he has settled.

Before this point, your kitten will have been constantly surrounded by his littermates and mother.

So, understandably, he may be feeling a little uncomfortable!

Saying that it is important to establish a routine from the outset, to prevent behavioral problems from developing later in life.  

Of course, you can’t keep your kitten cooped up in one room overnight for its whole life!

So once your kitten seems more confident and properly litter trained, you can begin allowing access to other areas of the house (one room at a time).

There is no particular time or age that you should allow your kitten to roam.

The choice is up to you and when you think your kitten is ready.

Should I Sleep With My Kitten At Night?

There is nothing wrong with allowing your kitten to sleep in your bedroom overnight. In fact, many experts state that you should keep your kitten close to you for the first few nights to help him feel secure. It can also reinforce the cat-human bond. 

However, there are some issues with this approach that need to be considered before you make the final decision.

Let’s runs through them now:

Health Risks

Just like adult cats, kittens shed their fur intermittently throughout the year (especially in the Spring and Autumn months).

If you are sensitive to dander, then it is probably best to keep your kitten out of your bedroom!

In addition, kittens can sometimes carry parasites, such as fleas and ticks, which can be passed on to their human parents.

These ectoparasites are known to carry numerous diseases that can pose health risks for humans, including typhus and cat scratch fever.  

Injury Risks

Your young kitten will love the chance to curl up with you overnight.

However, you do have to be careful, as you could roll over and accidentally injure your kitten.

Depending on its age, a kitten may also struggle to jump down from the bed to use the litter tray.  

Sleep Disturbances

Cats are mostly active at night.

So, be prepared to be woken up at 3 am by an over-excited kitten wanting to play!

Consider Long Term Sleeping Arrangements

Once a kitten has been granted access to your bedroom, it can be difficult to evict him!

So, you must be willing to allow your cat to sleep in your room for years to come!

Should I Confine My Kitten At Night?

For the first few nights, at least, it is a good idea to confine your kitten to one particular area of the home. This will prevent accidents and help your kitten feel safe. If you choose to confine your kitten to a separate room overnight, make sure the area is comfortable and inviting. 

You can also use a piece of your clothing as a blanket to keep your kitten calm.

It is important to note that you need to help your kitten build up a positive association with his new sleeping quarters before being confined in them.

You can do this by sitting in the room with your kitten for a while as he explores.

Also, ensure you offer plenty of treats and fuss whenever he is in the room or if he approaches it on his own.

You want your kitten to see the room as a safe place, not somewhere he feels trapped.  

Confinement in one small area will also prevent your kitten from getting into mischief and potentially hurting himself when you are not around.

Over time, you can then start introducing your kitten to other parts of the home until he has free reign of the whole house.

How To Kitten-Proof Your Home

During this process, you will need to ensure your home is kitten-proof. Here are a few tips:

Prevent Climbing Opportunities

Kittens are natural explorers and love to climb, so everything in your house is fair game!

They’ll even take on the stairs, for the most part, and become quite confident with a little practice.

Cats also love to take advantage of high positions in the house as this helps them to feel safe and also allows an excellent view of the whole room!

Young kittens are only just finding their feet, so in the beginning, it is best to cordon off particularly high areas to prevent injury. 

Check For Potential Escape Routes

Make sure all the windows and doors in your home are closed securely, so there is no risk of your little kitten escaping outside.

It is also a good idea to add safety locks to your cabinets to stop your kitten from opening them and helping himself to anything that’s inside!

Pay particular attention to cupboards that contain cleaning chemicals, as these can be fatal if ingested.

Locate All Potential Hiding Spots

Remember that kittens are very skilled at squeezing into the tightest spaces, but they are not as good at finding their way out again!

Look over your home for any possible hiding spaces and prevent access to any risky ones.

This will also make it easier for you to find your kitten in the morning!

Be Wary Of Plants

Aside from the risk of your kitten knocking over the plant pots, many plants are also dangerous for kittens.

These include lilies, daffodils, and tulips.  

Tidy Up Any Loose Cords

This includes all wires and other dangly items such as blind cords.  

Buy Your Kitten With A Collar & Bell

This will help you to find your kitten more easily if he happens to get lost or stuck!

When fitting a collar, make sure that it cannot easily slip off but also ensure it is not too tight.

You should be able to snugly slide two fingers between the collar and your cat’s neck.

Consider Others

Introduce your kitten to other family members and pets gradually.

This should be done before you allow your kitten to roam freely through the house.

You should never leave pets unsupervised in the same room until you are certain they are fully comfortable with each other.

How Can I Get My Kitten To Sleep At Night?

The key to getting your kitten to sleep at night is lots of training and patience. This will help build their confidence in their environment and enable them to feel safe enough to sleep.

One of the most important things to remember is that you should never prevent your kitten from sleeping during the day.

Kittens need to sleep for at least 20 hours in a 24-hour period, which is often broken up into mini naps.

These are essential for your kittens’ well-being.

Nevertheless, the below tips should help promote sleep in your kitten:

Initiate Play Before Bed

Instead, focus on tiring out your kitten with a play session before bed. Just make sure it isn’t too stimulating, or it may have the opposite effect!  

Build Up Your Kittens Confidence

If your kitten is really struggling, you can build up the time he is left alone. Firstly, spend a couple of minutes with your kitten, then close the door and leave him alone for an hour or so.

Then return to the room and reassure your kitten. You can repeat this process for as long as you need – gradually extending the time you are away.

Perhaps the most important part of this process is to ensure your kitten is quiet before you go back into the room.

Otherwise, you will simply be teaching your kitten to call for you!

Use Calming Scents

Calming scents can also work wonders for young kittens.

Many companies such as Feliway have developed anti-anxiety products specifically designed for cats, which can either be sprayed onto your kittens’ bedding or plugged into the wall.

You can get Feliways from Amazon for a great price!

FELIWAY Optimum Cat, Enhanced Calming Pheromone Diffuser, 30 Day Starter Kit (48 mL)
  • FELIWAY Optimum is a patented* pheromone discovery developed by the #1 vet recommended brand to help reduce common signs of stress in cats such as: scratching, urine spraying, conflicts between cats, and excessive hiding.
  • FELIWAY diffusers are drug-free, non-sedating, and have been used by millions of cat families to help ease cats’ stress related behaviors by sending them reassuring messages, similar to natural pheromones.
  • Our best solution, FELIWAY Optimum helps cats with more signs of stress, in more situations, and calms cats better than ever.
  • Cat owners reported more than a 70% reduction in scratching, urine spraying, conflict, and hiding when using FELIWAY Optimum.
  • FELIWAY is backed by over 25 years of feline stress expertise and scientific research.

Consider Your Kittens Preferences

The noise level in your home is another important factor. If your kitten was raised in a busy city apartment, then complete silence will probably be a bit nerve-wracking!

If your kitten grew up in a quiet country home, then the noise is likely to scare him.

Consider how the noise in your home could be affecting your kitten at night time and especially avoid making any sudden loud noises.

Classical music played on a low volume has been proven to calm a variety of companion animals, so it is a good option to try!

Other Kitten Sleeping Tips To Consider

The below tips will also help to allow for a longer, more restful sleep for you and your kitten.

Set Up A Strict Bedtime Routine

Before bedtime, schedule a play session and then feed your kitten.

This will encourage him to take a nap.

You should also ensure your kitten has access to a small amount of food overnight, as kittens have a high metabolism and need to eat little and often.  

Establish A Toileting Scheudle

As soon as your kitten has eaten his dinner, place him into the litter tray.

If you have a particularly young kitten or one that doesn’t seem keen on using the tray, you can gently rub a damp piece of cotton wool over its bottom.

This process replicates the feeling of a mother cat licking its bottom, which stimulates the need for elimination.

Set Up A Cozy Bedding Area

Make sure your kittens’ bed is placed away from any drafts, and give him as many blankets as you can spare.

In addition, you should ensure your kitten can easily climb into its litter tray, and that food and water are easily accessible.  

Exercise Patience

Kitten training is a two-way street. For you to get a good night’s sleep, you will need to ensure your kitten feels safe and secure.

The process of teaching your kitten to sleep through the night can be a long one!

But with a bit of commitment and patience, you will soon have a loving, confident kitten that you can lavish with fuss for years to come.


In reality, there are a few different places your kitten can sleep at night.

With the major caveat being that they, and you, are kept entirely safe the whole time.

When it comes to working out what is best, a lot is going to depend on your home setup, your kitten, and also personal preferences.

So do take some time to consider your options.

Besides, what may be best now may not be what is best when they are a more confident older cat.

Give it some thought, and do not fear trying a few different arrangements out.

Time will ultimately tell, but there is no one right way for every owner!

And be ready – Kittens can wake up very early in the morning.

Do you have other questions related to your kitten’s sleep and time alone? My following guides may be of interest: