If you have recently got yourself a pet ferret or if you are considering getting one, one of the likely questions you will ask is whether Ferrets can be noisy at night. While having a Ferret can be fun and rewarding, we do not want to lose any sleep. Here is how much noise you can expect them to make.
So, are Ferrets noisy at night? Ferrets are typically quiet at night. Ferrets sleep for up to 20 hours a day and even adapt their sleeping patterns to align with their owners. However, Ferrets can be loud if they are hungry, cold, lonely, or are in pain. It is therefore important that you take utmost care of your Ferret(s) if you want them to sleep soundly during the night.
For the most part, Ferrets love to sleep. This means noise is generally not an issue to Ferret Owners.
However, there are some cases and reasons why they may be loud.
Thankfully, there are some tips and tricks that you can implement to reduce the noise and to keep your Ferret quieter.
This article will be covering the subject in more depth.
When Do Ferrets Sleep?
A typical Ferret sleep and wake schedule are as follows:
- Awake – 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM.
- Asleep – 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
- Awake – 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.
- Asleep – 10:00 PM to 5:00 AM.
Ferrets are some of the longest sleeping pets that you can adopt.
This is because they are Crepuscular; a term used to describe an animal that is most active during dusk and dawn.
As you can see, there are long periods of the day and night that your Ferret will be asleep.
You’ll also notice that Ferrets do not sleep for the entire length of the night. Instead, they regularly sleep and wake rather in one chunk like us humans are renowned for.
The early morning period, 5:00-8:00 am is, therefore, a time when you can expect there to be some noise coming from your Ferret.
One of the main reasons why Ferrets have this sleep/wake cycle is due to their Adrenal Glands.
Sunlight, and the distinct lack of, are what causes your Ferret to wake and when it is also time to sleep (just like humans are supposed to).
Ferrets are happiest and healthiest when they align their sleep with the natural light cycles.
Can I Change When My Ferrets Sleep?
While they may sleep for up to 20 hours, it is actually possible to change when and how long your Ferrets sleep for. While Ferrets sleep to a natural cycle, you can actually intervene and alter it to your own accord. This can be particularly effective if you find that your Ferret is noisy at night and you want to change this.
Ferrets love to sleep and will look to do this whenever there is an opportunity to do so.
Even if this is when they are outside of their cage. Therefore, if you want to keep them awake one of the best things you can do is to play with them.
If you keep a regular time around sleep and play, your Ferret will learn when to sleep and when to be up for play.
If you find that your Ferret is sleeping a lot in the day and is wide awake and noisy at night.
Here is something that you can try that works particularly well. Its essentially reverses the light cycles of the natural day:
- Keep the room dark during the day. At night, shine a weak night-light next to your Ferrets Cage.
- After a couple of weeks of this, you will notice your Ferret playing and sleeping at a time that most suits them (rather than a reliance on the time of day).
- When your Ferret learns that the majority of attention is before the night light is on, your Ferret will start to sleep at a time much more in sync with yours.
- At this point you can return to having a room bright again in the day. This time, leave the night light shining on the cage (but move it slightly farther away).
- Your Ferret will ignore the light.
Be careful with this technique as it can lead to your Ferret becoming scared of the darkness.
It is therefore recommended to reduce the night light slowly, over a period of a few nights by moving the light further and further away from their cage.
Why Is My Ferret Very Noisy At Night?
Ferrets are commonly extra noisy at night when they are hungry, the environment is an insufficient temperature, they are lonely, in pain or if they are fighting with their cage-mates!
So by now we know that Ferrets like to sleep, they sleep for long periods of time, and their sleep cycles can be adapted to align with yours.
Noise is inevitable and you should always expect some as they move around. This is especially true between the hours of 5:00 and 8:00 am unless you train it otherwise.
However, with this all in mind, you may be wondering why a ferret may be very noisy at night. Perhaps you have one that is already or want to prepare in advance.
Here are some of the reasons why Ferrets can make abnormally loud noises:
This usually occurs when ferrets are not being fed enough, whether quantity or regularly enough.
Ferrets eat around the clock so it’s important food is available at all times.
Otherwise, they can make noise.
Ferrets are social creatures so if you have just one, you may see signs of loneliness.
Noise is one of them.
- Too Cold: Ferrets need to live in a temperature above 30 degrees. Anything under this is too cold for them and can cause them to panic.
- Too Hot: Ferrets should also not be subjected to temperatures above 80 degrees. They can make noises if they get too hot or need to cool down.
In Pain
Just like any other animal, ferrets communicate with noises. If they are in any pain, you’ll likely hear them calling out.
If you have two or more Ferrets, they can get into a fight. This will naturally make noise!
If you suspect that any of the reasons above are causing your ferret to make a lot of noise, then you should take the appropriate steps to address them.
Tips to Avoid Noisy Night-Time Ferrets
There are also a number of techniques that you can try to limit noise from your Ferret. These are good practices to reduce any regular noise that your Ferret could be marking.
Here are some of my top recommendations to limit noise and ensure that you get a good night’s sleep.
Keep Your Ferret in A Separate Room from Where You Sleep
One of the best things you can do to limit any potential noise from your Ferret is to sleep in a separate room from them.
It’s also a good idea to have a completely separate room dedicated for your Ferret Cage, and if possible the furthest away from your room.
Just make sure that the room that you place the cage in has optimal temperatures and air quality to ensure that your Ferret(s) is comfortable.
This way, even if your Ferret does want to make a bit of noise it shouldn’t disturb you and you can let them move around if required.
Appropriate Cage and Fleece Liners
This is a really underestimated tip and it does require some upfront investment.
You cannot put a price on good sleep so, in my opinion, it is worth every penny.
The first and foremost thing to reduce noise, and also to improve the well-being and livelihood of your ferret, is to purchase an adequately sized and comfortable cage.
The Midwest Deluxe Double Unit Ferret Cage (here is the link to get it for a great price on Amazon) is an ideal cage to purchase (whether for your first cage or to upgrade your current cage).
Due to its materials, use of pans/shelves, and large design it dramatically reduces noise as your Ferret moves around.
As your Ferret has more room to maneuver, they’ll be far happier, less likely to complain, and less likely to make sounds bouncing around inside.
An optional accessory, for this cage or another, and a cheaper more affordable option is to get Ferret-safe Fleece Liners (like these on Amazon).
This is a great reputable brand and I have been particularly impressed by these; very easy to set up and install and very easy to clean.
As you would expect, the cushioned material absorbs a lot of the sound even if your Ferret is moving around or playing with toys at night.
It also is very comfortable for your Ferret and allows them to sleep anywhere within the cage that these are placed.
Plus, it also helps the cage cleaning process and makes the whole job considerably easier.
Keep Your Ferret Awake and Play During The Day
Another great thing that you can do to ensure that your Ferret goes ahead and sleeps at night is to ensure that they are not sleeping too much during the day. This way, when it comes to the evening they will be tired and in need of rest.
To do this, you will want to regularly and routinely take them out of their cage during the day and let them have a roam around.
Let them burn off some energy and prevent them from taking a nap (which Ferrets will take any opportunity to do).
Play with your Ferret and keep them entertained during this time. You’ll want to be with them and spend some good quality time in their company.
This will also improve your relationship with your Ferret, and help you to build a meaningful bond whereby your Ferret can trust you and show you affection.
Being outside of the cage also gives them time to unwind and relax; which is especially important if you have a small or cramp cage, to begin with!
Understand an Active Ferret Is Normal
The last tip I would like to share with you is that you should expect your Ferret to be active from time to time.
They love to run around and they love to explore. It is part of their nature which you should enjoy and appreciate.
This should not cause concern, nor deter you from getting a Ferret in the first place.
Some noise is to be expected at night, and remember that if they are getting too noisy there might be something more significant going on which you should investigate.
Final Thoughts on Ferrets At Night
The majority of the time, Ferrets are not overly noisy at night.
If they are there is usually something going on and you should investigate this at an earlier opportunity.
Thankfully, if it’s a bit of noise here in there then there are proactive things you can do to reduce it.
Other than that, noise is something that you do learn to slowly get used to, so be sure to give it some time.
Want to learn more about ferrets and their interesting traits and behaviors? Then be sure to read my guides below:
- Can Ferrets See In The Dark? [Considerations For Owners]
- How Big Do Ferrets Get? [Average Growth Rate & Expectations]
- How Often Do Ferrets Poop? [& 5 Best Toilet Training Tips]
- Do Ferrets Get Along With Cats? [Can They Be Kept Together]
- Do Ferrets Play Dead? [The Answer Will Surprise You]
I am an experienced pet owner with decades of experience owning a number of different pets, from traditional pets like dogs and cats, to the more exotic like reptiles and rodents. I currently own a Cockapoo (pictured) called Bailey. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site dedicated to sharing evidence-based insights and guidance, based on my vast pet ownership knowledge, experience, and extensive research.