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How Much Water Should A Dog Drink Calculator

Are you wondering how much water your dog should drink, per day? It can be confusing, right? I know because I’ve been there. So I decided to build a calculator that made it all that much simpler. This way you will know for sure if they are drinking enough, or perhaps a little too much.

Note: The above calculator is a rough and general guide only. Each dog has their own needs (unique metabolism) and may require more or less depending on individual circumstances and factors. It is therefore advised to consult your vet to ascertain the most accurate amount of water to offer your dog.

Also note, the calculator above does not specify how long a dog can go without water, just what they need over the course of a day.

How Do I Calculate How Much Water My Dog Needs?

The best way to calculate a dog’s water requirements is to run a calculation based on their body weight and activity level. Generally, the larger the dog and the more active they are, the more water they need to consume.

When it comes to the calculation specifically, a general rule of thumb is to offer between 25-50 ml of water, per pound, with less active dogs gravitating toward the lower end of that range, and active dogs toward the top of that range.

Factors That Influence A Dogs Water Requirements

Not all dogs should drink the same amount of water per day. That’s because a dog’s water needs can be affected and impacted by:


Generally, younger dogs (and puppies, specifically) need to drink more water.

At the same time, an adult dog is more likely to be able to regulate its water intake than a young puppy, or senior dog.

Therefore, you may need to be a little more mindful and proactive when it comes to keeping a puppy or senior dog hydrated.


It goes without saying that larger breeds require more water than smaller breeds.

For instance, small teacup poodles are not going to drink anywhere near the amount a very large Bernese Mountain dog does.

Even regardless of age.


Then there is the difference required within a breed itself.

Larger dogs of the breed will generally require more water. Not always but often.


The more a dog exercises the more it will need to drink. Especially if the exercise is intense or your dog has a particularly thick coat (see below).


The sunnier, hotter, and warmer the climate, the more water a dog will need to cool off and remain hydrated.

Food Intake

If your dog consumes wet food, they typically need to drink less than those dogs on dry kibble.


The general health of your dog is another factor to consider.

Some medications for instance can lead to an increased (or decreased) need for water.

At the same time, if your dog is suffering from diarrhea or vomiting, it may need more water to remain hydrated.

What Is A Normal Amount Of Water For A Dog To Drink?

How Much Water Should A Dog Drink

Dog Size (In-Lbs)Suggested Water Intake
10 lbs250-500ml
20 lbs500-1000ml
30 lbs750-1500ml
40 lbs1000-2000ml
50 lbs1250-2500ml
60 lbs1500-3000ml
70 lbs1750-3500ml
80 lbs2000-4000ml
90 lbs2250-4500ml
100 lbs2500-5000ml
110 lbs2750-5500ml
120 lbs3000-6000ml
Note: The lower number assumes a dog is not very active, the higher number should be used if a dog is very active.

How Do I Know If My Dog Is Drinking Enough Water?

You will know if your dog is drinking enough water if they are urinating regularly, their urine is not too concentrated, they have sufficient energy and they are not exhibiting signs of dehydration.

Below are some of the most commonly observed signs of dehydration in dogs:

  • Gum changes, specifically a loss of moisture in your dog’s gums resulting in sticky and thick saliva.
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Panting,
  • A dry nose,
  • Sunken eyes,
  • Dark urine,
  • Lack of skin elasticity,
  • Exhaustion/collapsing.

How To Get My Dog To Drink More Water

To help ensure your dog drinks sufficient water, you can implement the following strategies:

  • Provide more access to water; whether this is by placing down more bowls, making their water bowl more accessible, etc.
  • Provide easier access to water, Some water bowls are harder for dogs to drink from than others. Water fountains are one such example of a product that will make drinking water easier.
  • Keep refreshing the water, to ensure it is clean and appetizing for your dog.
  • Reward and praise them, each time they drink water.
  • Flavor the water, with broth or other safe flavorings (such as meat) to make it more enticing.

Related Questions

How Long Can A Dog Go Without Water?

A dog can typically go between 2-3 days without water, but that doesn’t mean they should. Some dogs may need water in less time than this, particularly in warmer climates. It is strongly advised to offer fresh water to your dog each and every day.

What Can Dogs Drink Other Than Water?

In most cases, dogs should only drink water. However, there are some circumstances where adding some flavoring to their water (dog-safe options only like broth), can make it more enticing.

Be sure to never offer caffeine-containing drinks, dairy-containing drinks or sweetener-containing drinks.

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